Transnistria May Join The Russian Federation Next Week As Ukraine Threatens War – IOTW Report

Transnistria May Join The Russian Federation Next Week As Ukraine Threatens War

The Balkan:
Reports coming out of Tiraspol indicate that Transnistria, which broke away from the Republic of Moldova in the 1990s, is planning to vote to join the Russian Federation as early as next week. The move comes after the Moldovan Government has heightened tensions in the region in an attempt to infringe on the autonomy of the breakaway region. Meanwhile, Ukraine also threatens war if the people of Transnistria vote to join with Russia. more

19 Comments on Transnistria May Join The Russian Federation Next Week As Ukraine Threatens War

  1. Still rootin’ for Putin.

    If for no other reason, it is for History to document (plus the stupid leftists to see & feel) that accepting the stupidest, unaccomplished, mouthy asshole as your Leader (yes, that means you, Shitpants), is a very destructive (to all) bad idea.

  2. Transnistria sounds like the newest “cure” from Pfizer. It has that kind of name only an insane marketeer would come up with.

    Or perhaps the name is in Latin. Translated to “across nostrils”.

    Perhaps to kill nostril hair. Side effect: it may kill your sense of smell, forever. Ask your doctor if Transnistria is right for you.

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