Tropical Storm Bill Hits Texas – IOTW Report

Tropical Storm Bill Hits Texas

EarlofTaint: Be awhile before we get another named Bill. I had to take advantage of it. Apologies to anyone who may be threatened by the actual storm and/or the actual Bill. Watch out folks in Shreveport, LA – you are directly in the path of the eye!

bill tropical storm

13 Comments on Tropical Storm Bill Hits Texas

  1. Already costing me money in cancelled appts, but that’s all. Hopefully no one needs an ark this time.

    Pretty fortunate I live in an area that just can’t flood. Didn’t know that when I bought the house. Just dumb luck.

  2. Ladies, do NOT wear a blue dress out in this storm!

    It’s a nice little gale but not too bad really tg. Eye blew past about 50 miles E of mi casa around midnight last night. Winds were breezy and some rain but bot bad. Brunt of the rain has been N and E of the eye.

    La Grange, right in the path showed a 3.4″ overnight rain total; not too bad for around here really.

    It’s rolling up I-35 now, headed straight for the Big D. That’ll make a fun commute this am lol..

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