Trudeau’s Marijuana Bill Allows Children to Possess Ten Joints – IOTW Report

Trudeau’s Marijuana Bill Allows Children to Possess Ten Joints

CFP: The Liberal Party has been salivating for years at the thought of legalizing cannabis and they are on the cusp of passing bill C45 that will proliferate the sale and use of marijuana across the country.  In their cold, callus way they are going to put our children in jeopardy by allowing little ones as young as twelve years old to possess up to five grams of dried marijuana, ten joints.

For the sake of the children C-45 must be stopped.

It has been proven that smoking cannabis harms a child’s development, yet the bill says in Division 1, Section 8-Possession “it is prohibited for a young person to possess cannabis of one or more classes of cannabis the total amount of which, as determined in accordance with Schedule 3, is equivalent to more than 5 g of dried cannabis.”  It goes on to say a “young person means (a) for the purposes of sections 8, 9 and 12, an individual who is 12 years of age or older but under 18 years of age.”

MP Dr. Kellie Leitch, pediatric surgeon says “The Liberals have thrown the scientific evidence out the window. The evidence is extremely clear, up to the age of 25 the developed brain can be impacted by this dangerous drug.”  more

27 Comments on Trudeau’s Marijuana Bill Allows Children to Possess Ten Joints

  1. I’m incredulous that I find myself hating this man more then his father Pierre Trudeau. Thank god he’s starting to crater in the polls and the new Conservative Party leader is finally starting to go after him and the Liberal Party with ads. It’s no longer going to be easy living for this idiot. By the by, I’m in favour of the legalization of weed but the way the Feds and the Provinces are going about it almost guarantees both a fiscal disaster as well as operational disaster.

  2. Anything to keep them voting liberal. Didn’t Hitler’s Germany do the same thing? The Brits hooking the Chinese on Opium?
    Keep the citizen’s mind foggy and they can do whatever they like to them.

  3. Pretty sure you can’t get them “in the mood” without a bit of help … eh?

    Pederasty, Pedophilia; as long as it’s all consonant with izlam and “liberalism.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Let’s see, 2 in the morning, 2 at night, 2 in the afternoon. 2 in time of peace, 2 in time of war.
    They can’t smoke 2 joints before they smoke 2 joints though without stocking up, and also can’t afterward smoke 2 more.

  5. Teacher: “OK Johnny, please answer the following math problem: If you have ten joints, and Bobby takes four joints, what do you have now?”

    Johnny: “Ten joints and Bobby’s severed hand.”

  6. No sane person would suggest that 12 year olds should have their own personal marijuana stash. What the hell is he thinking? Maybe when he was 12 he had his own stash, that might explain what a moron he is.

  7. Brad, what one do you recommend? I have painful chronic tendinitis in both elbows. I would love to get rid of the pain but I just live with it. I know absolutely zero about weed, cbd, oils etc…

  8. Mike Brown
    One of my “Back to nature” young gun customers brought me a jar. I don’t think there’s different types really, and I’m not sure it’s legal in all states. Even though they claim there’s no THC in the cream. Something else you might try is DMSO. You usually need to cut that about 50% with water but that stuff totally cured a real hot elbow I had. But do some research on the DMSO.

  9. I sure hope that there’s more decent young people out there than it seems. You can scarcely see one now days that isn’t peckered up with tattoos and a glazed over look. Even the military is having trouble finding recruits that aren’t obese. What a shame.

  10. Thanks Brad. I have used the DMSO, gel, and coupled it with Absorbine linement gel. Believe it or not, I get it from a horse/tack supply and its the stuff they use on the horses. Many track workers and horse handlers use it on themselves. But after a while it stopped being effective.

  11. @joe6pak, “Maybe when he was 12 he had his own stash, that might explain what a moron he is.”

    No shit. He probably got it from his hippy mother, Margaret.
    She was a druggie freak.

  12. Teacher: “OK Johnny, please answer the following math problem: If you have ten joints, and Bobby takes four joints, what do you have now?”

    Johnny: “What? Heh heh … oh shit … man, it’s like … y’know …”

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