True The Vote Defeats Stacy Abrams And Biden DOJ – IOTW Report

True The Vote Defeats Stacy Abrams And Biden DOJ

HOUSTON, TX, January 2, 2024 – True the Vote (TTV) declares a decisive triumph in their legal battle against Stacy Abrams’ Fair Fight, legal teams led by Marc Elias, and the Biden Department of Justice. A federal court in the Northern District of Georgia today affirmed that citizens have the right to lawfully petition their government in support of election integrity without fear of persecution or prosecution.

13 Comments on True The Vote Defeats Stacy Abrams And Biden DOJ

  1. Tank’s Fair Fight stooges tried to meddle in my suburban Atlanta town’s local election. They were politely shown the GFY door.

    Still, this penny ante lawfare bullshit, probably paid for ultimately by Soros, is tiresome and relentless. Somebody needs to put the fear of God into Soros and his little fag son, Alexander, make them less enthusiastic about playing woth peoples’ lives.

  2. I read the entire 145 page order. It tediously went through and analyzed witnesses. The judge repeatedly badmouthed Catherine Engelbrecht, found her testimony not credible and inconsistent, whereas he found the “experts” and the non-True-the-Vote witnesses (on both sides, with minor exceptions) “very credible”.

    After droning on for an ungodly nunber of pages (nearly three times what a lawyer would be permitted in an appellate brief), basically the judge — who oversaw and permitted three miserable and expensive years of lawfare against True the Vote et al., in this frivolous lawsuit that should have been dismissed at the inception — simply couldn’t find a basis to rule in favor of the Plaintiffs. Duh…

    Meanwhile, True the Vote and the voter challengers had exceedingly little success because their challenges for the most part were just not validated or taken up at all by county election officials.

  3. Assault on the Capital on J6th wasn’t enough, doonytoons aka wacked outta his gourd wants to assault all of America with the help of course of his MAGAots.
    America is already great, derps.


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