“Trump’ a Candy” Is Currently a Twitter Game Deriding Trump – IOTW Report

“Trump’ a Candy” Is Currently a Twitter Game Deriding Trump

Donald Trump tweeted a picture of Skittles to illustrate the risk in letting Muslims into the country. The left went berserk. So HuffPoop started a Twitter game with candy.


99.99% of them are stupid.

There is ONE, count em’ ONE funny one:

Junior Mitts  (The notion of Trump having small hands is really stupid. But if you accept this as a reality, this joke is clever.)


Stupid ones:

Milky White Duds

Reese’s Hairpieces

Racist Peanut Butter Cups

Bazooka (To Take Out ISIS)

Why is the one above a bad thing??? The left are morons.

Milky Wave

Anchor Baby Ruth

Here’s the backstory:

BBC -Donald Trump Jr’s tweet comparing Skittles to refugees has caused a furore on social media. In a new development, the man who took the photo of the Skittles has revealed himself to be a former refugee.

David Kittos, 48, from Guildford, UK, woke up to find an image he had posted to Flickr in January 2010 had become embroiled in a political controversy.

“This was not done with my permission, I don’t support his politics and I would never take his money to use it,” Mr Kittos told the BBC.

“In 1974, when I was six-years old, I was a refugee from the Turkish occupation of Cyprus so I would never approve the use of this image against refugees.”

Picture of a bowl of skittles. Accompanying text says: Image copyrightTWITTER
Image captionThis tweet has provoked furore about its message


Mr Kittos is unsure whether he will take action over the use of his image by the Trump campaign.

“I would like the Trump campaign to delete the image, but they are probably not interested in what I have to say,” he said.

“I was thinking about getting lawyers involved but I don’t know if I have the patience.

“This isn’t about the money for me. They could have just bought a cheap image from a micro stock library. This is pure greed from them. I don’t think they care about my feelings. They should not be stealing an image full stop.”

13 Comments on “Trump’ a Candy” Is Currently a Twitter Game Deriding Trump

  1. Great link LeftCoastDan
    As for the candy picture I’ll gladly donate some pictures I have of candy to the Trump campaign. Just cause some asshat thinks he owns that picture fine, I got one just like it but with one less green one. At the bottom of the bowl. Where you can’t see it.
    Hey, that’s my picture they’re using. But I’m OK with it.

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