Trump Deporting 4K Somali Migrants – IOTW Report

Trump Deporting 4K Somali Migrants

Blazing Cat Fur says:

You know where they’ll be headed…

Yup, they’ll run straight to the Great White North, if they can get there in time.

Story Here

21 Comments on Trump Deporting 4K Somali Migrants

  1. Somalians are quite possibly the most useless individuals on Earth. I’ve never seen one doing anything except standing and doing nothing with a slack jaw and blank stare.

  2. Can we help these 4k? Yes.
    In the morning, keep the Sun to your right.
    Move Forward until the Sun is directly above you.
    Now keep going Forward but keep the Sun on your left.
    You know Left. That’s the one you wipe with.
    Don’t stop until there are no more Trees in sight.

  3. Zonker,
    I saw a vid on utube of
    a Somali trying to wrap an extension
    cord onto a reel… funny stuff.
    According to WHO 33% of them are clinically insane
    with average IQ= 70.Yea Maxine we need them here.

  4. Somalis brought in to our neck of the woods figured out real quick that the progtards sponsoring them were fools. Why do progs fawn all over the exotic as though it is always superior to Americans? An asteroid is sort of exotic, too.

  5. It would be nice if some of you guys would quit advocating for the ass wipes of the world being shipped up North. We have enough of them being imported by our Prime Dictator, we don’t need yours!
    Nice to see the links to BCF!

  6. Good. And with this, Le Page will likely be a shoo-in for re-election. Maine has really taken a horrendous fiscal and social beating with those particular imports. They don’t bring anything of merit with them. Even labor-wise, it’s been a net loss.

  7. Motive? Akoa was a Christian. What they did? Exactly what koranimals do. Torture and behead. The government is also hiding the hundreds if not thousand cases of dishonor murder and FGM.

  8. Unfortunately, LePage has termed out. He will probably run for Senate against liberal huckster Angus King.
    South Portland, ME City Council is considering becoming a sanctuary city. Ugh.

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