Trump Frees Up $8 Billion To Build The Wall – IOTW Report

Trump Frees Up $8 Billion To Build The Wall

DC: President Donald Trump has freed up $8 billion from various government agencies to build the wall, according to Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade.

Trump announced earlier on Thursday that he plans on signing a bipartisan congressional bill that provides limited border wall funding and declaring a national emergency at the southern border.

“Of course today was dominated by many stories, one of which was the bipartisan budget bill for border security. And the big number is—that the president was not happy with—was $1.375 billion to build a border barrier. He could do whatever he wanted with it,” Kilmeade began. “The question was, ‘Would the president add something with that? Would he declare a national emergency?’ I just got off the phone with Mick Mulvaney, chief of staff, and the answer is a resounding ‘Yes.’ Now for the first time, you will hear how much it is and where the money is coming from.”

“It’s going to be about $8 billion. He had the $1.3 [billion], then $600 million will come from the Treasury, the Treasury forfeiture front. $2.5 billion out of [Department of Defense]. They consulted with Mick Mulvaney and the White House over the last few months on what they could actually do and they are going to use some money they feel they can spare on the drug interdiction account,” he continued. “Then they came across with $3.5 billion for the military, the military construction budget.”   read more

12 Comments on Trump Frees Up $8 Billion To Build The Wall

  1. Loco

    Should get more from California. Wouldn’t that be a hoot. A refund on the speedy choo choo to build a wall on the Cali Mex border. Gavin would cut his wrists. I’d help.

  2. I won’t believe any of this run-around until the wall is proven fact and ASAP. In the meantime how many thousands are ambling across bringing their crimes and multiple contagious diseases and there isn’t power in place to stop them. Hospitals have to treat these illegals and go broke doing so while American citizens are without needed medical care. All talk and no power of control at the border makes corrupt, wealthy politicians happy.

  3. I like where this is going. Use the drug kingpins money…. and name it after him.

    Think about it. Every lefty will want to knock down Trumps wall. No one will have the guts to take down Pared de Chapos.

  4. A.T. ran a great article a few days ago that listed funds labeled as something like unassigned funds that just sits in the treasury all year long. Other president’s have drawn from this fund in the past for their pet projects and once the anti-American lefties go full-blown insane over what he is about to announce he can quietly re-allocate these unused funds to his wall project while liberal judges issues “stays” against the Presidents constitutional power to declare a national emergency because when hundreds of citizens die every year from illegal aliens I believe that qualifies as an emergency. I also seem to recall that the article stated that this year the fund has around 10bn in it so once again it will be the ultimate sucker punch from the trollmaster himself to the witless demoncrats when he spends this money behind their backs while they flounder at his public bate.

  5. Why show your hand? Get a tight grip on the money and start building the wall. Tipping your hand only insures the left will create a way to divert the money. I’ll believe it when its completed.

  6. I read that the bill contains wording that will allow county officials in Texas to refuse the wall. Some of the officials are known to be taking bribes from cartels.
    Which on its face sounds terrible but the way I see it the Border Patrol will have definite areas of capture.
    I like Cruz’s bill to take El Chapo’s money. The vote on that should be interesting.

  7. Defund some of the unConstitutional FedGov bureaucracies; Dept of Education, Dept of Energy, BATFEces, HUD, etc. Lots of money then to build The Wall.


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