Trump: Mexican Cartels will be Labeled Terrorist Organizations – IOTW Report

Trump: Mexican Cartels will be Labeled Terrorist Organizations

President Trump claims he will designate some Mexican cartels as terrorist organizations.

In an interview with Bill O’Reilly released yesterday, the host asked “The Mexican drug cartels kill more than 100,000 Americans every year by the importation of dangerous narcotics. Are you going to designate those cartels in Mexico as terror groups?”

“They will be designated … I have offered him (the Mexican president) to let us go in and clean it out,” President Trump responded. “He, so far, has rejected the offer. But at some point, something has to be done.”

Trump continued, “I’ve been working on that for the last 90 days. You know, designation is not that easy, you have to go through a process, and we are well into that process.”

The news comes on the heels of a brutal cartel attack in which nine Americans–six children and three women–were ambushed and slaughtered in broad daylight by cartel members in Mexico’s Sonora state earlier this month.

In response, President Trump declared it was time to wage war on the cartels. read more

19 Comments on Trump: Mexican Cartels will be Labeled Terrorist Organizations

  1. Process. Everything’s a “process” in DC.
    Must run it by the IC…FBI/NSA/DOJ State Dept and any Congress members who’ll get “hurt” 💰💰 in the process.

    Betcha if a clan of Christians were invading the border, designation approved in a snap.

  2. Airstrikes, kill zones, artillery barrages, minefields, drones, SEAL teams, should all be deployed. Rolling a few M1 tanks through one of their compounds is a good start.

    Oh yeah, as terrorists the Geneva Convention says they can be executed on the field off battle as enemy non-combatants not in uniform. We never did a REAL war on drugs. Now is a great time.

  3. Start by tracing the big shot banks and corporations here that are laundering their money and dry it up. That’ll make it easy to smoke them out. Arrest the americans and kill the mexicans.

  4. Get the first wall built.
    Then build another. One Mile on our side, this is the real wall
    In between is the Sniper practice range, feral hog sanctuary, and DARPA test area.
    It will be patrolled by drones, but enforcement is provided by Squadrons of P51 Spitfires, and punishment details made up of various mortar crews from the Army trying to redeem themselves.

  5. I kinda like your thinkin’, Laz.

    P51 Spits? Well, granted the Mustangs were pretty lackluster until North American popped the Spit’s Rolls’ Merlins in ’em. The Allisons just couldn’t quite perform competitively at altitude, even with the superchargers. (Perhaps they should’ve tried the Turbos being used in the Lightnings…but, hey, there may well have been some back-door Lend-Lease hanky-panky going requiring use of the Brit’s power plants).


  6. I’m telling anyone that will pay attention. Any lawful citizen, with a valid concealed carry permit, should on the request of the citizen, be deputized to guard the border. Any invader shall be treated as a violator of the Castle Doctrine and shooting the invader considered a lawful action. It shouldn’t take more than a week or so for the message to get across.

  7. “and shooting the invader considered a lawful action.”

    NorCal is full of the dope growing assholes. They recently killed a Sheriff in my county. A bounty would not be out of the question. The bastards are not hard to spot. Their tatted right up to their neck.


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