Trump reverses Obama order limiting oil drilling in Atlantic, Arctic oceans – IOTW Report

Trump reverses Obama order limiting oil drilling in Atlantic, Arctic oceans

CFP: It seems like months ago now – wait, it was months ago – that the one-foot-out-the-door Barack Obama was pushing through as many executive orders as he could in an attempt to lock in liberal policies after he left office. One of the worst, which we reported at the time, put severe limits on offshore drilling in the Atlantic and Arctic oceans – and there was some question as to whether President Trump would have the authority to reverse the orders once he took office.

I suppose nothing is ever truly over until left-wing federal judges weigh in, but it appears for the moment that the question has been answered in the affirmative.  MORE

SNIP: The amazing story behind the image is at Dark Roasted Blend.

7 Comments on Trump reverses Obama order limiting oil drilling in Atlantic, Arctic oceans

  1. The proposed site at ANWR was about 2000 acres. ANWR is about 1/3 the area of Kentucky. Leftists and Obama made it sound like the entire place was going to be trashed. The lefts’ war on energy has nothing to do with saving the environment. It’s about control. I’m sure President Trump knows this.

  2. I actually have spent time on drilling rigs that drilled holes in the vicinity of ANWR. There is a bunch of oil there. And, there is no better place for a producing oil field than there. The propaganda we have all seen is so fucked up.

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