Trump: “Ted Cruz Gave us ObamaCare” – IOTW Report

Trump: “Ted Cruz Gave us ObamaCare”

Yesterday evening, businessman Donald Trump accused Senator Ted Cruz of giving the United States ObamaCare.

“Ted Cruz gave us Obamacare,” Mr. Trump said last night.
Cruz Trump
Mr. Trump says that Justice John Roberts helped ObamaCare survive a court challenge. According to Mr. Trump, Mr. Cruz was the one who “got Justice Roberts onto the United States Supreme Court.” Thus, Mr. Cruz is responsible for ObamaCare, he argued.

“He’ll get up and he’ll talk about his relationship with God, his relationship with the Bible, his relationship with all sorts of things and then he’ll say Donald Trump loves Obamacare,” Mr. Trump said of Cruz.

“It would’ve been dead if we had a different justice on the United States Supreme Court put there by him. He’s the one that got Justice Roberts onto the United States Supreme Court.”

It should be noted that Mr. Cruz was not in the Senate when Justice Roberts was confirmed, nor was he in the Senate when the Affordable Care Act was passed. Mr. Cruz did say at the time that Justice Roberts was a good choice for the Court.

54 Comments on Trump: “Ted Cruz Gave us ObamaCare”

  1. Wait just a minute. Cruz did a little more than just say Roberts would be good for the court. So funny you should try to get out in front of this and shape the narrative. Funnier, still, is I almost put this up on your post last night when you solicited questions for Cruz. I’ve done quite a bit of reading up on Cruz’s involvement in Robert’s nomination and confirmation. And, right on schedule, Cruz basically denounced his very long-time Yoda around the same time he began making righteous furor for the cameras on the floor of the senate and other posturing that would look good in print media.

    If you detect more than disdain for these kinds of Cruz Good/Trump Bad stories, it’s because of Cruz’s filthy, dirty politicking in Iowa. I can dismiss almost everything else as all’s fair in love and politics, but screwing Americans in the voting process is where my own personal line is drawn.

    Cruz is a phony and as far as I can tell, he’s not even a very good one.

  2. Was Trump saying Cruz was in the senate? Or just supporting Roberts from afar? Disingenuous if not misleading. But Cruz says Trump is for Obombacare, which is incorrect. (I also heard Trump say the Great Wall of China is 13,000 miles long which is incorrect}.

    Mud is being flung, wear your wetsuit.

  3. They are both pissing me off with their attacks on each other – GWB is the reason we have Roberts – nobody else
    And Cruz says Trump “…may nuke Denmark”
    They will blow each other up and let Rubio become the nominee

  4. Treason gave us ObolaCare.

    Have (has?) either Trump of Cruz ANY intention of trying Obola, Gruber, Reid, and Pelosi for Treason?

    The Shut The Fuck Up about it.

    NEITHER of them understand what it means to be American.

    Both are greedy, statist, psychopaths.

  5. Another interesting antidote; this week, in a TX border town, two Americans of Hispanic heritage struck up conversations with me about the election. One self-identified as a lifelong democrat, the other didn’t, but both are excited about getting to vote for Trump in the general.

  6. Trump is drawing Cruz into the mud, and Cruz is falling for it.
    As Trump goes down he will drag Cruz with him.
    if Cruz doesn’t screw his head on straight right quick the nominee will be Rubio or Bush.

  7. (1) Personally, I think Obama called Justice Roberts and said something along the lines of “Nice family you got there. Be a shame if something happened to them.”

    (2) And isn’t is special the way CNN goes out of the way to point out twice that Cruz was not a Senator at the time of Roberts’ confirmation, yet fails to mention that Cruz was part of GW Bush’s Justice Department at the time. Can you say “lie by ommission” kiddies?

  8. Reply to Tim —

    You wrote: “Have (has?) either Trump of Cruz ANY intention of trying Obola, Gruber, Reid, and Pelosi for Treason?”

    Here’s some info to rebut what you just said (if you are really interested in an answer):

    For the rest of it, you’ll have to listen to Trump’s own words on the subjects of government corruption, investigating wrong-doing at the State dept, the AG and so on. Trying for treason? That would be for the courts to decide based on the results of an investigation. We are still America, after all. At least until the next inaugural.

  9. Just because Roberts sold his soul, or someone has some major dirt on him, doesn’t make that Cruz’s fault.

    Cruz is firing back hard at Trump, whereas most people back down from the loudmouth.

    I want someone to fight fire with stronger fire.
    Blaming Cruz for 0bamacare?
    Might as well hit Cruz with some 9/11 Truther bullshit too,
    My Cousin Vinny-Trump?

  10. Excellent example of the endless lines of bullshit that Trump spews forth every time he opens his gaping maw. Facts do not matter, its how big and how wild of an accusation he can make against Cruz and every other candidate in the race.

    Trump[ plays to the low-information crowd who lap this shit up the same way people lapped up Hopeandchangium from Obama. Trump is a showman; a 21st Century P.T. Barnum, and the many modern day suckers flock to Trump like they did to Barnum’s many rolling freak shows.

    P.T. Barnum was a politician too…

    “You cannot out-asshole Donald trump.” — Mark Steyn

  11. Thank you for the link.

    Gruber, Obola, Reid, Pelosi, (paid agents of their sovereign) conspired to deceive and defraud their sovereign. Admitted by Gruber on video.

    That is Treason.

  12. Not a single Republican voted for Obamacare. How exactly does that make Cruz, who wasn’t even a senator at the time, “the only man”? That doesn’t make any sense. (Not to mention the fact that the global Marxists [Goldman Sachs, etc.] wouldn’t be funding Cruz if they weren’t assured that he really wasn’t going to do anything about it.)

  13. Chieftain —

    You wrote: “Trump[ plays to the low-information crowd who lap this shit up the same way people lapped up Hopeandchangium from Obama. Trump is a showman; a 21st Century P.T. Barnum, and the many modern day suckers flock to Trump like they did to Barnum’s many rolling freak shows.”

    You wish you were right about this. The fact is there are more people who know more stuff about the state of this nation, it’s corrupt pols, the real problems with this gov’t and everyone in it who are listening to a very successful businessman who is not on the special interest/Wall Street dole who wants to apply his experience to get rid of everything that is broken about this country. That is what is coming out his “gaping maw”, as you put it.

    Why in the hell does anyone think Cruz is trying to emulate him as an “outsider”?

    Well, we already know that Cruz was anointed by the holy waters of Conservatives R Us, Inc. that beltway cocktail crowd who laugh their butts off at us mere lower case, unincorporated conservatives, and he’s not an outsider, either. Someone here explain to me, then, what he is exactly. No, scratch that. I already know exactly what he is.

  14. I remember reading somewhere that Ted Cruz did not initially support Roberts. He supported another judge, but when W appointed Roberts, Cruz felt that he was better than a liberal judge.

    Last summer, when Cruz was responding to something Jeb said about his support of Roberts, he admitted that he regretted his support.

  15. LocoBlanco — The subject is Trump’s claim that Cruz was part of the problem with Roberts’ decision on obamacare. Is it “fair”? Maybe, maybe not. Is it true? Yes, technically it is. Cruz did play a not insignificant role in pushing Roberts’ nomination. Roberts’ decided the decision on obamacare. Post hoc ergo proctor hoc. Flawed, but brilliantly played.

    The real story, however, is that Cruz doesn’t fight Trump on his logical fallacy. Instead he started distancing himself from Roberts in preparation for his candidacy. This is Cruz’s and every other politicians dishonest dance. Surely Cruz knows how the whole “I didn’t know him” thing works out. Or maybe he doesn’t.

  16. Yeah, the guy who has his own lobbying organization (Trump Organization) and who has given tons of cash to both party establishments and who has worked with both of them to help push their agenda and influence parts that enriched him and his businesses, yeah this is the NEW outsider !!!

    LOL !!!!!

    It’s all out there, in OpenSecrets and news stories over many years.

    But he is the outsider while the guy who tried to work within the political system and then made enemies of the party establishments and who has stood his ground, he is the insider and can never be an outsider.

    The world turned upside down thanks to people using emotion over intellect.

  17. I think Abigail and others should take a week off, go on down to Florida, help Ben with his clothes, or head out to New York and do a load for Trump. Give it a rest. Act like adults.

    Remember: CCCS: Christians Continually Confess Sin. I don’t remember Trump ever having something to be sorry for.

    Jus’ sayin’.

  18. Redskin — Fire away! Game on, if that’s how you want to play this. Frankly, I think it’s more honest anyway.

    Jimmy Carter was hired by evangelicals based on his credential of being a Sunday school teacher.

  19. The Donald is self-destructing as the nation watches. He’s finally being seen as the pompous, jerkoff, arrogant child he’s been for years. Anytime now I’m expecting this douche to back out of the race crying dirty tricks so he can get back in the business world and get back to pulling his own dirty tricks.

  20. I’m just bored with both of them. Their attacks on each other-rather than on Hillary or Bernie -will give us Rubio and dissension among the conservatives here and other places is just depressing.

  21. Abigail, Czar, Bad Brad, Moetom, etc. I love you all. Can’t help it if I grew up in a racist household in the deep South. I will give my life defending what you say to protect our First Amendment rights. I will also love you no matter what. But I’m still voting for Ted Cruz if he gets the nomination. Trump is on the way to self destruction, and I’ll be darned if I don’t think he planned it this way. He really doesn’t want to be president, he just wants things right and good and honest again, not the sleeze currently in D.C.

    So, here’s love to you all. I’ll be away for awhile doing laundry in Florida and Texas. Ha!

  22. I agree with SCR_North and Redskin –

    The first thing that came to mind when reading this headline was “He’s already jumped the shark”.

    Kabuki theater aside, my gut still tells me that Trump is running strong-arm blocker for Hillary and will stop just short of the end zone as he hands Hillary the ball for the touchdown.

    Notice how none of these people ever talk about putting things in place that might RESTORE the atmosphere where people can just be left alone to live their lives unfettered by governmental hindrances?

    The bottom line is that WE work for THEM; painful as that sounds. Nothing will change until the shooting starts and the lynchings begin.

    The embracing of political correctness and the rejection of morality through distraction and apathy is why we are where we are.

    I’m at the point where I could give two-shits as to who “wins”.

  23. Come on now Redskin, I don’t think Abigail Adams needs to be put on laundry duty.

    I actually appreciate her cogent arguments.
    She doesn’t get angry, just states her position in a sentient manner.
    We disagree on Trump/Cruz but this site can handle passionate discussions.

  24. Racist Household, Deep South. Where in theeee hell did that come from. Is Cruz black or something?
    Since you broached the demographics issue, I’m in Northern California. Part of the Silicon Valley Economy. A bunch of us were taking big chunks of metal and making some precision high dollar parts out of them.We road that Semi Conductor industry train where nobody asked how much, just how soon. And we watched our Federal Government push all that work off shore. If you look at the steps they took it had to be intentional. Then we went on to the Aerospace work. Same thing although some of that has to stay here. Non the less ambulance chasing attorneys that become politicians and that are convinced they are the smartest people in the room did this to us. Fuck em. I’m ready to try something new.
    So what’s your story. Love to try and figure out why a lot of us are looking at this election a little different.
    AA, Chief, and I have similar stories (I think) But I for one have had it with politics as usual because the bastards cost me a lot of money and wrecked a really good life style. Like I said, Fuck Em.
    I’ll never vote for another attorney again.

  25. Trump is for free Universal Health Care according to Trump’s campaign website. Universal Heath Care = ObamaCare as the only major change is the name. it may be more honest than ObamaCare but it’s the same liberal progressive socialism.

  26. Populist tub thumpers that appeal to th elowest common denominator have gotten us into trouble in this Country before; most notably by the passage of the 17th Amendment that dealt the States out of their constitutional checks and balances.

    Prohibition was another.

    Donald Trump has more followers than supporters. Political contributions are what make our political system work and since Trump doesn’t take contributions he is immune from any feedback via real financial support, or the lack thereof.

    Trump is a flash in the pan.

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