Trump’s personality much better than Elizabeth Warren’s to female voters, focus group finds – IOTW Report

Trump’s personality much better than Elizabeth Warren’s to female voters, focus group finds

Elizabeth Warren, like Hillary Clinton, has a “likeability” problem.  Trump doesn’t. 

American Thinker:

Up until now, we have always heard about how President Trump’s tweeting would be the death of him with suburban female voters.  His style was what turned female voters off; his dreadful boorish personality was his problem.  He needed to drop the tweets.  The ladies were offended…


Axios has found something a little different in a new focus group survey of female swing voters in Wisconsin:

In a small, all-women focus group, some participants suggested President Trump would win on personality if the contest was between him and Warren — and that their doubts about her aren’t based on substance.

These were the main takeaways from our Engagious/FPG focus group last week, which included 7 women who flipped from Barack Obama in 2012 to Trump in 2016, and 2 who switched from Mitt Romney to Hillary Clinton.
While a focus group is not a statistically significant sample like a poll, these responses show how some voters are thinking and talking about the 2020 election in crucial counties

Turns out that much repeated trope wasn’t true at all.  read more

17 Comments on Trump’s personality much better than Elizabeth Warren’s to female voters, focus group finds

  1. She’s like the spinster neighbor everyone has had in their neighborhood at some point in life.
    It is especially absurd when she tries to show us little people how hip she is.
    Some people never know when to get off your lawn and go home.

  2. Is it not any wonder that females fight and judge?

    Her ass is too big.
    Her ass is too small.
    Blonds hate brunettes, brunette dislike blondes.
    She’s too old looking , she’s way too young looking, way too good looking.

    Shall I go on?

  3. She, the Fake One, and Greta are beginning to look like each other per that UN ANGRY look behind OUR POTUS’ back.


    She wants to be a big girl, in the big game, but there is no crying in…weather.

    Go back to Europe and your home, by air plane this time, and complain to your parents that screwed you.

  4. Did she get her highly arched eyebrows from her Native American ancestors too?

    Ya know she could at least try to look feminine for her age-maybe wander into a Chico’s one afternoon. Taking fashion cues from Granny Pantsuit isn’t the best plan.

  5. I don’t think it’s possible for me to dislike this b!tch any more than I do. But by the primaries, this fake piece of sh!t might do the impossible.

    BTW, did I say I hate this annoying hag?
    OK, just making sure.

  6. Yeah, she’s the neighbor who:

    – Yicks at you all the time for not taking your garbage cans off the curb fast enough after garbage pick up day.
    – Keeps reminding you where her property line is, but lets her house cleaner/gardener/nanny park on your side of the property line and blocks your car in.
    – Relieves her dog on your side of the property line on the grass parking strip you’re always replacing.
    – Tells you “it takes a village” when you catch her dumping her filled doggy doo bags in your garbage can.
    – Is never seen without her Whole Foods reusable grocery bags.
    – Her laptop homepage is CNN.
    – Thinks your conservative views are radical yet complains about how high her property taxes are.
    – Never gives a friendly wave or asks how you’re doing unless she needs something from you.

    Elizabeth Warren is as phony as a three dollar bill. Her problem is that she is “relate-able” in all the wrong ways.

  7. Please, please, please let her have the nomination and show her preaching to us in a split screen with the other half showing fingernails scratching a blackboard because that is exactly what the screechy wench does to my ears.


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