Tucker Carlson: Ep. 6 Bobby Kennedy is winning – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson: Ep. 6 Bobby Kennedy is winning

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59 Comments on Tucker Carlson: Ep. 6 Bobby Kennedy is winning

  1. I like RFK stirring up shit in the democrat party but ultimately they will circle the wagons and rally around whatever incompetent they put out there.
    It amazes me some on our side are fan-boying over him.
    RFK in the White House would be Greta Thurnberg wet her panties.

    Of course some on our side are too busy trashing the most conservative governor to come along since Reagan.

  2. Or insane. RFK is a fanatic. Loser using the family name.
    In reality he will take a small percentage of votes from candidates of both sides of the aisle. Doesn’t stand a chance in hell.

  3. Loco – I enjoy RFK stirring up shit in the democrat party, but so did Bernie Sanders who was smarter and sharper than Jackass Joe and look what happened.
    BTW, that hardly means that I agree with anything Sanders stands for!

  4. LocoBlancoSaltine,
    While I REALLY like some of the things Desantis has done. My biggest fear with him is he is a politician. I don’t trust politicians.

  5. Bryan, DeSantis has around 300 grand in assets.
    If he were a democrat he’d be a multimillion.
    The dude is the most legit out there.
    The real deal.
    They have to lie about him because there is no dirt.
    He’s a family man fighting for his lovely wife and beautiful young children.
    He saved Florida’s bacon during covid.
    He will save this country with 8 years in office.
    God bless him & Godspeed!

  6. ^^^^^ You’re obsessed. You need de programing. Right after you get through jacking off to that picture of Ronda in a speedo. Here’s the deal.
    Here’s where the rubber meets the road. Am I infatuated with Donald Trump? No I’m not. I’m infatuated with his policies. He has my full support on how to deal with China. He has my full support on destroying DeSantis and his buddies. Commonly known as the deep state. He has my full support at his attempt at restoring the Republic. And it’s no longer just him. It’s MAGA. The dudes made some mistakes. Runs his mouth too much. So I’m not a DJT groupie, I’m a MAGA groupie. And you, you just like the way Ronda looks in a speedo. In other words you’ve become infatuated with a candidate. Most of us with a damn brain are infatuated with policy. I don’t expect you or Rich, your twin sister, to understand this. But that’s the deal. Ronda won’t pardon DJT. Hes a giant smelly pussy. Never happen. If Trump can’t run he will appoint someone else to. That person has my vote. Fuck off shallow one, and good night.

  7. The DeSantis crowd is trying to make this DeSantis vs Trump. The reality is the deep state is also making it DeSantis vs Trump. Hmmmm…..what could possibly be going on here?

  8. You keep mentioning some woman name “Ronda in a Speedo” and yet you call me obsessed.
    iotwer’s would prolly like to know how she looks?
    Is she buxom?
    She must be topless unless it’s one of those women’s one-piece styles.
    That would be disappointing.
    Post pics or it didn’t happen…

  9. joe6, it’s pretty obvious now.
    I’m not saying they are correct but conventional democrat wisdom* is that they can beat Trump handily so that is who they want.
    Simple as that.
    No conspiracy, dark money, Soros, Q-anon, WTC-7, Grassy Knoll, Moon Landing, Flat-earth lunacy necessary.

  10. I’m going with policy. YOU KEEP JACKING OFF. I’M THINKING YOU’LL NEVER GET IT. It’s not the candidate, It’s the policy. Ronda has no declared policy. Go Read Trumps. Or MAGAs. It’s easy to find. Ronda has no declared policy because what he writes may not agree with Jebbies. MAGA has the audacity to write their shit down. How’s my spelling lil bitch?

  11. “Conventional democrat wisdom”? You’re grasping at non existing straws. There’s no such thing as “conventional democrat wisdom”. They, as a group are the most hateful, ignorant, no good bastards in the country! You need to find a different descriptive phrase for these TRAITOROUS BASTARDS!

  12. “I’m not saying they are correct but conventional democrat wisdom* is that they can beat Trump handily so that is who they want”

    Oh my God, what have you been shooting in your veins. YOU’RE A TOTAL IDIOT. IF THEY REALLY THOUGHT THAT WHY WOULD THE BE MANUFACTURING THIS MANY CRIMES. you’ve sealed the deal, there’s you, and dog shit. You are slightly dumber. Honestly, I’m still laughing. LOCO is a Libtard troll. If this doesn’t convince you nothing will.

  13. Damn, I’m like the only sensible person here.
    They want Trump to be damaged goods.
    Sure MAGA will vote for him, but independents & suburban women won’t want anything to do with Trump.
    They want a wounded dog that will garner 70 million votes to their 70 million plus the bonus 20 million votes they conjure up.
    It’s not rocket science.

  14. “Damn, I’m like the only sensible person here.”

    That’s so God Damn funny. You’re a MORON. Hate to break it to you. Obviously your parents chickened out.

  15. Loco, there’s your mistake, you think independents and suburban women don’t want anything to do with Trump. The reality is that the swamp recognizes that they do, and that is what has them at war against Trump!

  16. Hey moron, describe ANY of Rondas policies, regarding anything, moving forward and I’ll do the same for MAGA. I’ll save you some time. Ronda has no documented policies moving forward. Because cross eyed Jebbie hasn’t told him what they are yet. Google Agenda 47.

  17. Loco, there is no question that DeSantis could have a meaningful position in our country’s politics. But as far as I’m concerned he must shake loose of the Bush deep state influence. I really doubt he ever will. I’m not hopeful for where we are headed.

  18. Please joe6, and I’m serious here.
    Name anything DeSantis has done that is influenced by Bush.
    Please, please, show me what you are talking about.
    Honestly, I want to know.

    The reality is no Bush would dare go after the school unions, CRT, Disney, Soros DA’s, BLM, illegals, drag queens, LGBT+++, gender nonsense in schools, porn in schools, etc.

  19. C’mon Loco, wake up and smell the coffee. You have to believe that in order to receive a Bush endorsement that there are expectations of performance. DeSantis has been bought and paid for.

  20. From Adam Laxalt:
    As Governor,
    has been fearless with taking on illegal immigration, & as President, he vows to do the same.

    Stay tuned Monday to hear his plan on how he will reverse Joe Biden’s open border policies & stop the invasion at our southern border.

  21. Nice try Loco. Do you really think I would be in the inner circle of what’s expected of those that receive a Bush or Deep State endorsement? Are you satisfied with the direction of our country? Do you think that a candidate that receives a Bush endorsement will change what is happening? Once again, Loco, wake up and smell the coffee!

  22. “Brad, you actually pad my ego since you elevate my logic and intellect due to such a vast knowledge differential”

    Yea, you’re a legend in your own mind. Bwaahhahhhahh.

  23. Burr. King of Beers, sadly that’s where we are. Our country isn’t even hanging by a thread anymore and people are still arguing politics and still think they have a say in who is selected President and even if they did still think any of them can fix anything.
    If I was going to talk politics and honestly believed voting would fix anything, I would say I don’t trust Desantis or Trump and everyone else running is even worse. Bobby Kennedy will not be the democrat nominee and if a Republican is selected as President it will because they have a reason for it and it’s not for the good of the country.

  24. “Loco laughs in Paul Ryan…bwahahahaha”


  25. Um, I don’t dispute that but so is DeSantis.
    The man is in it for America.
    He has a young family.
    He has many years on this earth so he is totally invested in getting the country on track.
    He’s not rich and actually didn’t accept his pension from congress.
    The man is the real deal.
    Sorry, not sorry.

  26. Look joe6, I’m just ahead of the curve.
    I’m used to that.
    People are going to discover what an awesome human being Ron DeSantis truly is.
    I won’t expect a “you were right all along.”
    Not important.
    What is important is that you and all the other doubters will come around.
    I think many already know this, they simply don’t want to let go of Trump.
    So, they tell lies and cry “Bush.”


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