There are a couple of unflattering things said about Trump in this speech, but nothing which undermines the totality. This speech is easily the best analysis of why Trump is our current president.
Very impressed by Tucker Carlson lately.
ht/ c. steven tucker
Quick witted, informative, from a guy who’s been around the block, but still part of the 1%.
I listened to the whole thing, including Q&A. I’m not sure how he could get the tea party so wrong. We didn’t dissipate one whit. We just stopped being easy for the IRS to run down. And he didn’t make up the word “Trumpism” — contrary to what he said, it will be known as “Trumpism.”
So he says he didn’t talk to a single person on the campaign trail who said they would vote for Trump just because he’s a great guy? Interesting. I guess while he’s carving out a place for himself on the big media stage, Carlson has to distinguish himself in some way or another, but I can say from over a year on the campaign myself, that if Trump were not a great guy, he wouldn’t have been elected, because if a not great guy delivered the bad news on a near daily basis the way he did, no one would have liked it. Trump has been analyzing this country’s problems longer than Carlson has been alive, so I forgive Tucker for the oversight. Trump is not a holographic emanation of people’s feelings. He’s one of us in the most fundamental sense; he’s an American through and through and loves this country and its people. And that’s how he got elected.
AA: very well said. Bravo, madame!
I listened to the whole video, too. I love Tucker, but that doesn’t mean I think he is 100% correct. 98% is pretty darned good.
I agree with AA, Trump is one of us. He loves the USA, and it is not the affected love we often hear from some. He is genuine, likable, interested and interesting.
I believe that Trump will come through this stronger and the country will be stronger for all he has led us through. He is smarter, quicker and more thoughtful than anyone I have ever observed, yet the MSM, politicians,and pundits just can’t seem to wrap their heads around how gifted he is.
I said from the beginning, no one could do what he has accomplished in his life without being brilliant. And right now he is playing 3D chess while the others are all stuck playing checkers.
Best political commentator in the U.S. right now. Yes, better than Rush — easily.
Why is it that for every bit of praise for Trump the one doing the praise has to add in some anti-praise of Trump? Is this done possibly to try to somewhat appease the demonic, far left, Marxist, hate America pukes?
Trump may well be a great guy, but that’s not why I voted for him.
Tucker is coming around on immigration, and getting closer, still not quite there.
Phone call from Somali Refugee Relocation:
Good Evening Mr Carlson, this is the Executive Director of SRS. We were delighted to hear of your love of immigration. We look forward to working with you on our refugee resettlement program. It is good to speak with you.
Well yeah, who doesn’t love immigration! It’s awesome, we have immigrants in our neighborhood—just down the street! I say hi to them all the time. One of my daughters is taking Mandarin lessons. My wife and I love Turkish food! Ever have those figs? They are awesome. So yeah, it’s wonderful, what’s this about your program?
We have good news in that your household has been chosen to house the village of Koranipushtan, Somalia, where 800 refugees have fled ethnic strife and must be relocated. We have received funding from the USG and they will be moving into your household in 2 weeks. Given your love of immigration, it was decided that you and your family would be ideal hosts. We thank you for your generosity and know that you will be enriched by this experience, not to mention brownie points you might get from Rachel Maddow and Nancy Pelosi.
Whoa whoa, we can’t really do that. I mean, we don’t have the room. Let me explain, I am all for *legal* immigration, I love *legal* immigration, but not a bunch of illegals, I didn’t say I was for that.
We have further good news Mr Carlson. All these Somalis will be granted citizenship on arrival, Congress passed a law last evening. So it is fully legal and there is no issue. You will have a houseful of legal immigrants who are doing things “the right way.”
Well, uh, that sure is a lot of people, we can’t really accommodate all of them.
Mr Carlson, now you are saying different things and I am very confused. You told the nation you love immigration. What you are telling me though is that you don’t love it all that much. I do hope your double-talk is not related to the ethnicity of your new housemates.
No, no, not at all. I am not racist, that is for sure. It’s just that, well, we have a bunch of doorknobs in our house and I know these people never have seen a doorknob, and that they tend to burn things like doors and crown molding inside for cooking fires.
Well very good, then, we’ll have them there in 2 weeks. You might want to get online and learn more about these people. By the way, do you have a room that you could set aside where they can pray 5 times daily?
You get the idea…. Tucker doesn’t quite understand the reality of 2017 immigration, I hope he gets there eventually. We need people like Tucker and Donald Trump to keep taking this immigration business to its logical end — we need a full time out.
The Statue of Liberty took its place when the US population was less than 65 million and there were only 42 states. Much western territory was given away just to populate it. Teddy Roosevelt spoke very strongly against “hyphenated Americans”. We had no federal income tax with it enormous and pervasive system of income redistribution.
How does the current deceitful agenda re invasion (not immigration) take any of that into consideration?
“Give me your poor huddled masses….” Give that crap a break.
I didn’t vote for Trump because he’s a nice guy either. I voted for him because he realizes we need a big YUGE correction in this country and I believe he’s the only guy that can make that happen.
The revolution Tucker speaks about did not happen just because the surfs were being mistreated. The revolution in part is taking place because evil forces are trying to culturally change our country and push us away from bed rock values that have always existed in this country. They’ve tried to destroy our culture and replace it with something none of us want.
Overall that was really good.
The last point was the best. The obstructionists are the GOP republicans. Ignore the libs, they are in a meltdown pity party. Write, call, twitter or Facebook, email, or whatever to remind the GOP that the American people elected President Trump, DESPITE the damn GOP. We put him in office and we can vote them out!
They think they are safe, because no one with political experience or lobbyist funding can run against them. Think again, GOP suckers! That’s what they so cockily thought about PRESIDENT TRUMP!
Tucker’s main focus was the frustration of the middle class and the disconnect between Washington DC and the rest of the country. His comments on liking immigration were meant to reflect his priviledged class view (cheap housekeeping, ethnic food, etc) while it’s (immigration) is screwing the working class. Brilliant analysis, and I must say, there was very little I disagreed with. including his analysis of DJT.
Could Megyn Kelly give such a compelling and on-target of a speech? I think not.
Where is old Megyn these days? Working a good corner under the streetlamp?
tUCKER Carlson is the lowest level of a human being as you can get. He is an …hole. I will never look at that program again, Unless I can grab him. If you want a successful program, get rid of him. Send him to North Korea.