TV anchor Mike Shumann, “who is white” allegedly stole Warriors staffer’s jacket – IOTW Report

TV anchor Mike Shumann, “who is white” allegedly stole Warriors staffer’s jacket

Normally, stuff like this is a ‘who cares’ story. Normally. But this is from an ESPN article…

ABC: A Bay Area reporter who covers the Golden State Warriors has been caught on tape taking a security staffer’s jacket after a team practice last week in San Antonio, The Athletic reported Monday.

Mike Shumann, a sports anchor of KGO-TV in San Francisco, is visible on the tape, which ESPN has reviewed. Shumann appears to take a jacket belonging to Ralph Walker, the Warriors’ director of team security, as he walks out of the AT&T Center.

Several Warriors players were upset over the incident and didn’t want it quickly dismissed, The Athletic reported. Shumann, who is white, is a former wide receiver for the San Francisco 49ers and longtime TV reporter in the city.  MORE

SNIP: “Shumann, who is white”? What’s that about? Because he’s ‘the man‘ and he stole a jacket from a black man?
Or is ESPN implying that, usually, it’s the black people who steal, so mentioning his race is newsworthy?
Or is it a shock that he’s white and once played for the 49ers?
This here is why you’re so hated, ESPN.’

P.S. Does anyone else find it ironic that the director of security had his jacket stolen?

13 Comments on TV anchor Mike Shumann, “who is white” allegedly stole Warriors staffer’s jacket

  1. Back in the day (and I mean, back in the DAY), newspaper accounts used to identify persons by race only if they were Black (a term which was considered extremely offensive at the time and would never have been used). Example: “A Negro (or colored) male was arrested for burglary…”, etc. If race was not mentioned, you knew that the perp was White or Hispanic. Nowadays, you get in trouble if you identify Blacks or Hispanics in a story, so I guess the only race you can mention now is White. A total 180 degree reversal, and very ironic to those of us who have been around long enough to observe it.

  2. any stealing is wrong no matter whose does the stealing of whose stuff.
    cut his arms off!

    here’s where i claim color blindness and actually get away with it. because if justice is supposed to be blind as a whole, then i’m color blind as well.
    i care less about ethnicity of the crimes committed and more about justice in what is right behavior, and actions and what is wrong behavior, and actions.
    ok maybe just fire him before cutting off his arms.

  3. Nowadays, you know who the suspect is if they don’t mention race.

    Example: Three carjackings overnight. The suspects were driving a grey Nissan Altima. If you know anything about it, call Crimestoppers.

    No drawings. No physical description of the suspects.

    But if they are white, it will be plastered wall to wall. See? White people commit crimes too!

    Just like when a gun is committed in a crime – it’s “gun violence”. The most religious thing you will ever see the news do is to sing from the same hymn.

  4. Might it be possible that the perp and victim knew each other, and that this was a prank of opportunity? Maybe not, but it seems like the worst motive is always assumed in matters touching on race.

  5. OneLastTime April 25, 2018 at 3:36 am

    I’ve seen security officers jackets. Many times. Some are cleaner than others.

    Sorry but I don’t want to touch them let alone wear them.

    He was either going to sell it on Ebay or keep it as a souvenir. but now that he got caught, he will get neither.


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