Twisted Bitter McCain Was the One Who Handed Steele Dossier to Enemies of Trump – IOTW Report

Twisted Bitter McCain Was the One Who Handed Steele Dossier to Enemies of Trump

Not too much later, after McCain conspired to sink Trump, he was diagnosed with brain cancer.

Read how he worked with Fusion, Steele, Buzzfeed and the FBI in order to try and sink Trump with phony documents.

ht/ Crackerbaby

44 Comments on Twisted Bitter McCain Was the One Who Handed Steele Dossier to Enemies of Trump

  1. FINALLY people have stopped badgering me about NOT voting for McCain and Romney.

    I told everyone not plugging their ears these two were SCUMBAGS! “But you don’t want the democrats to win do you?! Puh! They are WORSE than democrats.

  2. I hope that Trump makes sure that the story of McCain’s involvement in attempt to bring down a duly elected President is known and understood by all Americans before McCain passes. He should be made to experience the shame and humiliation he so richly deserves.

  3. Such a horibble, evil little male. (He is not a man.)

    Once a cheese eating rat, always a cheese eating rat.

    Please John, do an honorable thing, for oñce, and die for your country.

  4. “FINALLY people have stopped badgering me about NOT voting for McCain and Romney.

    I told everyone not plugging their ears these two were SCUMBAGS! “But you don’t want the democrats to win do you?! Puh! They are WORSE than democrats.”

    Me too. They still haven’t apologized though. I don’t think they accept that eRepublican progressives are WORSE than Democrat progs yet either though. Damn fools.

  5. Wouldn’t it be cool if McStain put a gun in his mouth over this and pulled the trigger?

    Oh wait. He can’t lift his arms above his breastbone. So the slow brain cancer death will have to suffice.

  6. I am sure there is a line of folks that would like to urinate on his grave or even on him right now. I agree with SCR_North. He needs to go to his death bed knowing the the American now know him as a traitor and his legacy is that he is a piece of shit.

  7. His guilty conscience over the years (just like Teddy, The Swimmer) ate away at his brain, causing the cancer. The Evil he did weighed on him and took root there.

  8. BENITO — haha! No, it’s not my church. Can you imagine this Norwegian Church Lady dishing out advice there? LOL!

    No, I chose that particular rendition of “Encourage My Soul” just because I liked it. Funny, too, if you watch the entire thing because this was done in 08/09, and the choir/congregation was singing this specifically in response to the obama election.

    We do sing (or did sing) this song frequently in worship at our former church. But here’s another great solo performance:

    And the context of my post is that the Truth of evil deeds is becoming known more and more every day and the storm of unrighteousness is passing over, I think, for our God-loving countrymen.

  9. Like Ted Kennedy, McCain’s arrogance and misplaced self-worth over-rides any guilty conscience he may have.

    Placing his casket in the capitol rotunda would be the last indignation directed upon the US and honorable Military personnel by McCain. To say the least, he has proven repeatedly, he is unworthy of this honor or respect.

  10. As usual, President Trump was right about McStain.
    I have known real heroes, I have a beer, or six, with one almost weekly, 2 silvers, one bronze and 2 purples. At my insistence, he never buys.
    That’s a hero, not some privileged Admirals son/grandson who barely got out of Annapolis and flight school then went on to a career of crashing planes, collaborating with the enemy and fucking over the American people. Being a POW doesn’t make you a hero. All those injuries the press goes on and on about, self inflicted when he screwed up his ejection. He was trying to be a hotdog, got shot down for it. “What a maroon.” – Bugs

  11. I live in Arizona and get the Phoenix newspaper. They slobber over him all the time.”John is an american hero, John is so wonderful >John and Flake saved our state with their gallant stand on this or that issue. Typical liberal piece of shit newspaper- The Arizona Republic. Disgusting!

  12. @ JD. WRONG! just fucking wrong. They are bad but Dims are worse. Are you a never Trumper? Because according to your logic HRC is better than Trump. Piss off and re think.

  13. 🔴 McCAIN’S FUNERAL 🔴

    After services, the flag folded into a triangle and presented to his 2nd wife, his casket is loaded up into a C-130 after a 21 gun salute, then at 20,000 feet, it is pushed out of the cargo bay over Hanoi. “Burial by Air” hasn’t been done in many years.

    Maybe it was the brain cancer talking, but it’s what he would have really wanted.

  14. Jerry Manderin @5:33 am “Wouldn’t it be cool if McStain put a gun in his mouth over this and pulled the trigger?

    Oh wait. He can’t lift his arms above his breastbone. So the slow brain cancer death will have to suffice.”

    He can probably suck on a shotgun tube. Or if he wants to hang himself, there are thousands of people who will gladly throw a rope over a stout branch for him.

  15. I’d like to see a real USS Forrestal investigation before I croak, but I probably won’t. But when it comes down, down the line, we’ll chat about it in hell. FDR in Hell will be there. And we’ll have a chat. What a slime ball McCain is.

  16. The Blue Falcon strikes again. Isn’t it fitting that the ship named for him is a disaster.

    Once he moves to Arlington, I think there’s a Destroyer that needs a name change.

  17. McCain graduated DFL Dead Fucking Last in his class at Annapolis. The Naval Academy has an official term for the DFL grad – “The Goat”

    Those damned Vietnamese Commies dropped McCain on his head too many times.

    John McCain has bumbled and stumbled his way thru life, always failing upwards.

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