Disabled Lives Matter – IOTW Report

Disabled Lives Matter

disabled man beaten by 2 black men


Two Black Thugs Beat And Stab Deaf Special Needs White Man.

The Confederate Flag was removed for the South Carolina State House today and racism magically disappeared just like liberals said it would. Well, actually the kind of racism that liberals like to ignore where blacks assault whites because of the color of their skin still exists and I’m not sure what flag should come down to fix that. A mentally challenged deaf white man was beaten and stabbed by two black thugs near Tampa Bay. Shock of all shocks, the police think this might be a hate crime.  MORE

10 Comments on Disabled Lives Matter

  1. Flummadiddle, is that a new way of saying what a bunch of horse hockey? And ALL LIVES MATTER, no matter what color or ethnicity. These creeps need to be taken out of the gene pool so they can’t procreate little creeps as bad or worse than they are.

  2. Just to prove that these black thugs are nothing more than feral animals, look at what they are doing. Are they going after the whites that look healthy and can defend themselves? No. They are attacking the young, the infirm, the stragglers. This is typical darwinian behavior by predators.

    You would think the ‘tards would recognize someone practicing the ‘tard religion of darwinism. I guess all of the facts of this case require a nuanced* explanation.

    * libtard bullshit

  3. According to statistics quoted by Dennis Prager this week, whites are 6 times more likely to be victims of black on white crime relative to white on black crime. That would be alarming if black and white populations were similar. Factor in black population is one fifth of white pooulation and the phenomenon is too big to ignore.
    Unless you’re in the American media

  4. The great American social experiment is now over and we have the results. After almost seven years of experimenting with an African mixed race Marxist lab rat we can only conclude that similar specimens, regardless of race sex or creed, would not be conducive to effectively managing and directing the American system of government! It is now settled science!

  5. I knew a crippled dude some years ago, and the ferals were ALWAYS mugging him on his way home (3rd and Constitution Ave. at 11 PM) until we made him a crutch out of galvanized pipe. He’d smash em in the head before they got into arm’s reach. One night 3 of em got him, on the Supreme Court Grounds, and killed him. Once they knocked him off his feet, he was done.

  6. I would like to further add ,

    In the case of man’s natural right to self defense , will the courts honor that ? Man’s natural rights ? Regardless of skin color ?

    How will law enforcement handle it ? Typically guilty , until PROVEN innocent . No taking the moral high ground from them …. .Evil is a choice ..

    I would like to further add , SOME not ALL in law enforcement & other judicial branches have forgotten their oath to uphold the u.s. constitution & the bill of rights .That’s the problem right there , undermining the rule of law . Evil is a choice

    But ,but, but ” i just enforce the law & follow orders ” . Such as an excuse used at the nuremberg trials . Don’t be perps of injustice , Evil is a choice ..

    Will the d.a. drop any charges & rule justifiable homicide ? Given the political climate at the moment , i doubt it . Keep in mind the race hustlers along with the mindless media who kiss their ass. These people are obviously not our friends . Evil is a choice …

    Perhaps the d.a. wants to further his/ her political career & make an example of a individual[s] who exercises their natural right to self defense .

    What about the judge ? If the case went to trial ? Doe’s he/she want to further their political career & not take the moral high ground either ? They’ve failed in past to do the right thing , why not again ? Huh activist judges ????

    The saying ” i’d rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6 ” , is a understatement ! However , ass rape in prison doesn’t sound like fun if the jury ” swings ” the other way .

    But, but, but , don’t be victim ! If only the innocent could RELY on the court system to honor man’s natural right’s .

    I agree with your comment , however ” Pussification ” is a broad term . Not all people are like that , certainly not on this site. Certainly not me .

    I will stand with anyone on the side of JUSTICE , i don’t care if they are pink or purple . However that justice must honor man’s natural right ‘s .

    ” A private citizen who resorts to physical force & violates the right’s of others is a criminal – & men have legal protection against him ” .Ayn Rand

    I’ll stand with anyone who is willing to fight INJUSTICE . Certainly those who have the Einsatzgruppen mentality & are willing to perpetuate dastardly deeds against their fellow man. Don’t be victim , bystander , or the perp . Evil is a choice …

    Our last line of defense is the county sheriff & the 2nd amendment , good people will stand with the sheriff & deputies if need be .

    The county sheriff is bound by oath to the u.s. constitution & bill of rights to protect the citizens of their county . Honor your oath sheriff’s & take the moral high ground.Your conscience will be better for it ..

    “Potentially , a government is the most dangerous threat to man’s right’s : it holds a legal monopoly on the use of force against LEGALLY DISARMED VICTIMS.When unlimited & unrestricted by INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS , a GOVERNMENT is man’s deadliest enemy ” . Ayn Rand …

    Be sure to watch the youtube link , if the link doesn’t work ..

    Look up ” white rodney king ” by pastor manning .

    S.F.Y. Out

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