U.S. Colonel Wants Ukraine To Neutralize (Surrender) – IOTW Report

U.S. Colonel Wants Ukraine To Neutralize (Surrender)

12 Comments on U.S. Colonel Wants Ukraine To Neutralize (Surrender)

  1. Seriously. Ukraine would be way better off in the long run tied to Russia than the corrupt Deep State and other corrupt politicians over here. They’re ultimately to blame for all the death, destruction, and corruption.

  2. So basically this war is some of the people tied to bribery and money laundering to the Biden crime family are fighting the other people tied to different bribery and money laundering to the Biden crime family. Got it. I’m having a hard time rooting for a winner. Tell me how where I’m wrong.

  3. It isn’t at all unusual for a nation defeated in war to end up better of than if they had won. The best example is Japan. If Zelenskyy won’t give this serious thought, maybe those close to him ought to give serious thought to replacing him with someone who will.

  4. ON most any other disagreement woth the Biden regime, the good colonel would probably be court martial and or made to grovel publicly. But I think the US military quite rightfully wants no part of this Wagdog bullshit. We’ll know soon enough either way, depending on how the colonel is treated.

    And so sorry, perplexed British ponce, but that’s the way it is. I bet if you asked one of your own colonels what they thought, you’d probably be disappointed with them, too. Get a grip.

  5. Nah, keep it going a bit longer.
    The CBC is already trying to Convince Canuckistan that We will all be Masked again by October.
    Oddly, Tomorrow is the day that Masks are no longer required in Ontario. (very upsetting for the Leftie wimps)

  6. There are no “good guys” in this. The only true suffering is done by the innocent populous. The CIA/swamp state of Ukraine was fucked over by the USA NEOCONs & Uni-party scum nearly a decade ago.

  7. @Jagpald:

    There are no “good guys” in this.

    Painfully true.

    As I’ve said before, Zelenskyy is a chicken-eating fox, Putin is a fox-eating wolf, and Xi is a carrion eating vulture waiting impatiently for something to die.

  8. Interesting to note is the glaring fact that this “US Colonel” has not denounced the Klaus Schwab-protege Zelensky’s signing into law recently a portion of Schwab’s ‘great reset deception’ against Ukraine citizens.

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