Uber And Lyft Announce Plans To Leave Democrat-Led City – IOTW Report

Uber And Lyft Announce Plans To Leave Democrat-Led City


Ride-hailing apps Uber and Lyft announced they plan to cease operations in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on May 1st, citing a city ordinance mandating a pay boost for drivers. The Minneapolis City Council voted 10-3 to override Mayor Jacob Frey’s veto. more

12 Comments on Uber And Lyft Announce Plans To Leave Democrat-Led City

  1. Those wanting a planned economy will never understand that such a system by its very nature must have slaves in order to produce anything.

    Those wanting to be in charge of a planned economy understand this very well, and also understand that where you have slaves you must also have masters: themselves.

  2. more companies should do this…much like San Fransicko is losing Macys and lots of others, just leave until the revolution throwing out the Commies happens….


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