UK : Doctors Want Taxpayers To Fund ‘Womb Transplants’ For Men – IOTW Report

UK : Doctors Want Taxpayers To Fund ‘Womb Transplants’ For Men

Because the freak show isn’t quite freaky enough yet.


Chicks on the Right:

Congrats, UK taxpayers! You’re going to pay for biological males to get wombs! Hurray for you! You’re so generous!

I really wish that was a joke.

According to this, doctors in the UK believe taxpayers should fund “womb transplants” for trans-women. You know. So these biological men who think they’re women can really feeeeeeeeeel like women.


21 Comments on UK : Doctors Want Taxpayers To Fund ‘Womb Transplants’ For Men

  1. And the children which result from this…process…will be allowed to go wherever they want for treatment, should the poor kid acquire an illness beyond the pay grade of the NHS.

  2. How is this even supposed to work? Progesterone and Estrogen are produced in the ovaries? Are they somehow getting those too? My grasp on how this works in normal human reproduction is a bit shaky, but a quick search confirms “The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis is central to mammalian reproductive function”.
    This is evil.

  3. I wonder what Steven Hawking thinks of this. Since he’s apparently the go-to guy on everything now.

    And what kind of special arrangement does he have with the NHS, anyway?

  4. These doctors must have a Josef Mengele streak in them. Probably brilliant, but sick. A disgrace to the profession. But what else is new these days? The only true profession left is prostitution.

  5. Just wait till one of these deviants get a womb transplant, a penis lengthener, and a canal from the ass, so these wierdos can impregnant themselves by fucking themselves in the ass.

  6. Would it be wrong to push a guy with a womb down the stairs? Hey! Don’t get mad at me for asking. Legit question. Would it be wrong? I’m asking for a friend of mine.

  7. Wombs for delusional freaks, but little Charlie Gard is left to “die with dignity” rather than receive treatment.

    Men don’t need uteruses. Heck, when it comes down to it, strictly speaking, women can live without one, too. Wombs transplant surgery, anti-rejection drugs, invitro fertilization, cesarean section deliveries, etc. This wombs for men program could get really expensive, really fast.

  8. And they appropriate a womb from…a ‘dead’ real woman or who? Would they just 3-D print a womb or what?

    Better for these ‘doctors’ to concern themselves with #CharlieGard !!!

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