UK: Up to 1,000 children were drugged, beaten and raped by Muslim gangs over 40 years – IOTW Report

UK: Up to 1,000 children were drugged, beaten and raped by Muslim gangs over 40 years

Geller Report: The UK sacrificed its little girls in the cause of aiding and abetting this Islamic supremacist savagery. Authorities didn’t do anything about this Muslim rape gang activity for years, because they were afraid of being called “racist.” They sacrificed their young girls to their political correctness. That’s the same as turning over their heart, their soul, their future. They are finished.

“‘Girls must be saved from going through this hell’: Call for public inquiry into Telford sex scandal as it emerges up to 1,000 children as young as 11 were drugged, beaten and raped over 40 years,” by Alex Green, Mailonline, March 11, 2018:

A brutal sex gang raped as many as 1,000 young girls over 40 years in what may be Britain’s ‘worst ever’ child abuse scandal.

Girls in the town of Telford, Shropshire, were drugged, beaten and raped at the hands of a grooming gang active since the 1980s.

Allegations are said to have been mishandled by authorities, with many perpetrators going unpunished, while it is claimed similar abuse continues in the area.

Home Office figures show there were 15.1 child sex crimes reported per 10,000 residents in the year to September 2015.

Telford’s population is 155,000 – meaning a potential 225 victims.

Telford’s Conservative MP, Lucy Allan, has previously called for a Rotherham-style inquiry into the allegations and called the latest reports ‘extremely serious and shocking’.

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19 Comments on UK: Up to 1,000 children were drugged, beaten and raped by Muslim gangs over 40 years

  1. We’re not far behind. Stories of crimes committed by Muslims are sanitized all the time to hide the perps identity. Whatever happened to the muslims who raped the little girl in Idaho a couple of years back?

  2. Was just reading an article at GWP where a conservative guy and girl were taking a bus? into the UK to do an interview of another conservative who lives there and they were arrested at the border, held in prison for 3 days and then banned from entering the country. So now the UK is jailing conservatives/christians who try to enter the country?

  3. Glady’s–Brittany Pettibone and her boyfriend. The latest victim of this insanity is Lauren Southern, who has also been detained trying to enter the U.K. So, let me see if I get this straight, those who rape little girls are given a free pass in the U.K., while those who criticize those who rape little girls are seen as spreaders of hate and deemed not worthy to be allowed in. Right. Got it.

  4. I’ve been following this story for a long time. It’s almost too horrific to contemplate what was done and what British “authorities” did to turn their backs against these children and their families. I hope that, finally, they get their days in court and that this is fully exposed. Tragic is the wrong word to use. This was wholly avoidable. Evil.

  5. The spectrum of support from the #metoo movement is apparently between risque jokes and gang rape of underage girls. In other words, risque jokes and offensive touching are bad, but gang rape and grooming is o.k.

    I’m trying to get a handle on leftist thought, but am having some trouble with that.

  6. British law enforcement has ignored everything from the Magna Carta to date.

    Every guilty party should be hung by the neck until dead!
    This should include both perpetrators and their cover of agents in the police farce.

  7. Worse by far, than Weinstein and all of Hollywood scandals. 40 years! That’s mind jabbing. The early victims are in or near their 50s! The British government must be put on trial for aiding and abetting.

  8. @Cynic March 12, 2018 at 4:14 pm

    > If the citizenry of the UK had guns none of this would be happening.
    They still have rope. And torches (the American kind).

    > It’s no wonder the pols here want to confiscate our arms.
    Which are more effective than rope and torches, how?


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