UN Risks Losing a Third of Its Funding If It Recognizes Palestine – IOTW Report

UN Risks Losing a Third of Its Funding If It Recognizes Palestine


“If it is approved, I expect the United States to completely stop funding the UN and its institutions, in accordance with American law,” [Ambassador to the UN Gilad] Erdan says, noting that adoption by the General Assembly would not change anything on the ground.

Under US law, Washington cannot fund any UN organization that grants full membership to any group that does not have the “internationally recognized attributes” of statehood. The US halted funding in 2011 for the UN cultural agency UNESCO after the Palestinians became a full member. More

5 Comments on UN Risks Losing a Third of Its Funding If It Recognizes Palestine

  1. Defund them, withdraw from them, kick them out of NYC and the rest of America, and sell the land to help pay off the deficit. The UN is just a means to provide cover for US wars of aggression and government overthrow. Pretty much always has been. The farther away from them we can get the better. John Birch was way ahead of his time.

  2. If Biden is president then the UN has nothing to worry about. Biden will just ignore Congress and give the UN money (like he ignored the Supreme Court). He knows he can’t be impeached.

  3. “…in accordance with American law.”???

    The Biden FUBAR administration will ignore that law or purge it from the federal statutes. A lot has changed since 2011 when the US withdrew funding from UNESCO.

    Biden would withdraw money from the UN? Sure, when Antarctica becomes a hot sandy desert.

  4. “The US halted funding in 2011 for the UN cultural agency UNESCO after the Palestinians became a full member.”

    And yet UNESCO rolls along completely unscathed and probably with a bigger budget than ever. Our credentialed morons are stuck on sanctions.


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