University Bans Fake Dreadlocks and Native American Hairstyles – IOTW Report

University Bans Fake Dreadlocks and Native American Hairstyles

College Insurrection: There’s no end to the things you’re not allowed to do on college campuses.

village people

National Post reports:

University bans native headdresses, fake dreadlocks from frosh week because of ‘cultural appropriation’

Leave your native headdresses and fake dreadlocks at home. And don’t bother with the Mohawks, bandanas, tank tops or short shorts, either.

Western University student leaders will arrive on campus to a beefed-up dress code for Orientation Week in a bid to make the school welcoming to all students and to counter accusations of cultural insensitivity.  more

8 Comments on University Bans Fake Dreadlocks and Native American Hairstyles

  1. No straights “acting” (talk, walk, etc) homo!
    No womyn acting like MEN!
    No whites “acting” (talk, walk, etc) black!
    No commies “acting” American!

  2. When you start going down the road of banning things you quickly find out that hypocrisy knows no boundaries!
    Frankly they should ban books. Everything’s on-line and the college book “industry” (mill is a better term) is one of the biggest rip-offs on the planet!

  3. What are they going to do about a real American Indian who just might have a Mohawk? Or a raghead with their long unkempt beards? Or a redneck with a mullet, yeah they’d ban the mullet but not the other 2. Or how about anyone with a shaved chrome dome, (for the record I’m bald on top/follically challenged) they might think he’s a skinhead or something? And how about doofus hipsters with their stupid haircuts?

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