Unmasking the Unmaskers – IOTW Report

Unmasking the Unmaskers

The House Intel Committee has issued subpoenas to former U.N. Ambassador Samantha Powers and the only known person to lie more than Obama, Susan Rice. The subpoenas are in relation to the committee’s investigation of the unmasking of U.S. citizens by our intelligence agencies and subsequent leaking of those names.


I’d lay odds on Rice being the named leaker.

9 Comments on Unmasking the Unmaskers

  1. It will be interesting to see just how far the Democrat members on the committee will go to try to protect Rice and Powers because if they push hard and one or the other are found to have unmasked the names for political reasons and then face criminal charges you can bet this will end up in Republican ads for those seats in 2018. At some point they’ll throw them under the bus, deny any knowledge of their activities and condemn their actions to save their own butts.

  2. The verdict will be guilty, but Obama will have a psychotic break and announce there was no criminal intent found, including his own.
    Meanwhile and forever Russia.

  3. There will be NOTHING found out. It’s a congressional circle jerk investigation. Just tell me anything ever learned from these two accomplished liars? Anything? That was their job, their only job and obama paid well. He was the master at diverting government money to his lackeys and donors.

    Government bailouts, huge cash payments, unaccountable, including to gain release of a worthless ‘hostage’; Bergdahl.

    Congress has no intention of gaining information. They just want one more excuse investigation to make busy while they ignore the bills waiting to be passed:repeal Obamacare, tax reform, immigration reform,
    and etc!

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