US 6th Circuit Court Of Appeals Rules 14th Amendment Includes Right To “Literacy” – IOTW Report

US 6th Circuit Court Of Appeals Rules 14th Amendment Includes Right To “Literacy”

College Fix

In what may end up being the final word on the matter — at least in its jurisdiction — a pair of judges declared Thursday that Americans have a constitutional right to literacy.

Almost four years ago, a group of Detroit public school students, backed by the Los Angeles-based firm Public Counsel, filed suit against the state of Michigan claiming the “right” is based on the 14th Amendment to the Constitution.

The complaint said “students who attend poorly-performing schools have been denied their basic rights, and references the landmark Supreme Court decision in Brown vs. Board of Education, which called education ‘the very foundation of good citizenship.’” More

Apparently, these judges never understood what the old saying about taking a horse to water really meant. – Dr. Tar 

30 Comments on US 6th Circuit Court Of Appeals Rules 14th Amendment Includes Right To “Literacy”

  1. How can you have a “right” to literacy when…

    1. Some people may not have the actual capacity to be literate. If you’re too dumb to ever learn to read, no court decision will ever change that.

    2. Literacy requires effort on the part of the person beyond being a lump of flesh with “rights”. If you don’t study, you won’t be literate, no matter what the government or anybody else does.

  2. The Mule,

    You don’t get it. If the courts have the power to make a dude with a twig and berries a chick they can easily wave their wand and pronounce the illiterate literate even if the subject of the pronouncement can’t read the ruling.

    What an amazing day we live in. Now, if the courts could just rule “cancer is unfair and unconstitutional” think of all the people who could be cured by a snap of the finger.

  3. I’ve looked and I’ve looked all over the Constitution, especially Article I Section 8, and I just cannot find the part that permits the fed govt to have anything to do with literacy or even education in general.

    In order to exercise a “right” to a service or physical object, you must have the power to use force against whoever you demand to serve you or provide for you. And that’s a form of fractional slavery. No one has the right to enslave anybody else to any degree whatsoever.

    edit: I’ve been forced to pay taxes for almost 60 years, meaning I’ve been fractionally enslaved for over a half century. WHEN DO I GET MY REPARATIONS?!

  4. No. You Dummies are missing the point! Since everyone now has a “Constitutional Right to Literacy”, and you obviously can’t magically make someone have the intellectual capacity to read, then the only answer is to do what they did with “marriage” and then “gender”… Change the definition of “literate”!!!
    Just because someone can’t look at a group of letters and comprehend a worded message from it doesn’t mean they are illiterate. No. You have to find another way of communicating that is fair and understood by all. Words are racist and must be banned!!!

  5. Who owes it to anybody to enable them to become literate! A persons right to literacy does not obligate me to pay for or enable that right! If a person wants to become literate no one is stopping them that I have knowledge of! Go to the library, its free, and study all you want!

  6. Just read the 14th amendment. Nowhere within is there any place where this issue would apply, although admittedly I’m not a liberal hack appointed to the federal judiciary by a leftist President who finds non-existent rights at every turn. I know MY limitations……

  7. Bwahahaha! Indentured Literacy has come.
    That “Right” as demanded by the judges requires that the states “make” the students literate. So now the states have
    a judicial order that immediately overides all other “rights” with the legal authority to do anything needed to
    beat literacy into every one of the young chuckleheads.
    Now the states can lead the horses to the river of becoming
    literate and make them stay and “drink” as long as necessary and do whatever the states demands they suffer to have it enforced upon them.
    There is no escape until they each finish reading all the works of William Shakespeare aloud to the judge.

  8. Exactly how does one prove one is illiterate? Couldnt anyone make the claim that he is illiterate and seek damages? How do you prove someone cant read if theres money in it for them to appear illiterate?

  9. I started school in a small rural town. Everybody was white…except for me and my sister. That made no difference whatsoever. Once I learned the alphabet at home, reading was as natural as breathing. Not everyone has the capacity to learn, but for crying out loud, kids in Sub-Saharan Africa who attend school usually do much better than the products of our own public school systems, no matter what race. Case in point: I have yet to meet an illiterate Nigerian, and their kids are sharp also.


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