US Begins Turning Away All At The Border – IOTW Report

US Begins Turning Away All At The Border

The Hill

The Trump administration is reportedly planning to turn back all asylum seekers at both the northern and southern borders over concerns regarding the coronavirus outbreak.

Four administration officials told The New York Times on Tuesday that the policy would apply to asylum seekers and any other migrant seeking to cross the border illegally. More

11 Comments on US Begins Turning Away All At The Border

  1. …good start, now do some high-profile deportations of people known to be infectious to let the others know you’re serious.

    Start with the Kenyan/Indonesian illegal, Barry Soetoro. HE infected the ENTIRE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT with TDS.

    Move on to the Butcher of Bengazi. Hillary’s had QUITE a cough for a LONG time, and ‘out of an abundance of caution’, needs to be shipped OUT.

    Libya would be nice. Or Haiti, both would happily accept her….

    …I’m not sure WHAT bug-eyed planet Schiff came from, but we’ve got a bunch of OTHER buggy eyes now, like AOC, so it’s OBVIOUSLY and alien Coronavirus. Since we don’t know which one is his, strap him to a missile, launch it to the heavens, and let God Return to Sender.

    For our safety.

    Illhan’s got about the WORST case of Islam EVER, and it’s spreading ALL OVER. Can’t be too careful, so ship her and everyone else infected by her death cult back to Africa, tell the plane to go to Wakanda and not land ANYWHERE else, I’m sure they’ll be fine in Black people paradise with no White people to oppress them, just look how nicely Rwanda, Somolia, Angola, and Uganda worked out…

    …drop Sanders off in Venezuela to see if they can cure his Socialism. I’m sure he’ll be thrilled and given a hero’s welcome, or at least a torchlight parade, which doesn’t explain the pitchforks, but whatever…

    …planes are gonna be busy, so don’t bother landing. Also, don’t bother with parachutes, they can get to the cure quicker that way…

  2. just when you think DJT is backed into a corner, he makes lemonade out of the lemons.

    we need DJT for another 8 years as potus minimum.

    no matter who we run after DJT it will be a let down.


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