VA Employee Accused of Trying To Sell Vets’ SSNs, Arrested – IOTW Report

VA Employee Accused of Trying To Sell Vets’ SSNs, Arrested

DC: A Department of Veterans Affairs database administrator was indicted for allegedly attempting to sell vets’ social security numbers and stealing their identities.

The indictment, unsealed Thursday, charges that Phillip Hill of Benton, Ark. tried to sell the data for $100,000 to a confidential informant working with law enforcement. The data was the personal info of veterans, their dependents, and VA employees, prosecutors said.

Hill was terminated by the VA Dec. 6, but told the informant that even after being fired, he could access the information remotely by logging in using a government computer still in his possession, or even by stealing an entire server.

Police arrested Hill outside the VA complex where the data was housed Dec. 18, weeks after he was fired. Investigators said they discovered that he had blank ID cards and had stolen someone’s identity. They said they arrested him before he was able to sell the data.  read more

15 Comments on VA Employee Accused of Trying To Sell Vets’ SSNs, Arrested

  1. I’m just thinking this guy should have been hung by the nearest lamp post. I have zero patience for this shit. And swift justice is the only way to avert a short lived civil war. Like little kids. Pay the price now bitch.

  2. A bit off topic but a heck of a story. Remember a couple years ago the founder of Russia Times died in either a DC or NYC hotel. At the time they attributed his death to a heart attack. Now the FBI is saying he beat himself to death. That has to be as hard as shooting yourself twice, in the back of the head. What the hell is going on with our government institutions anyway.

  3. I’ve dealt with the VA for the last 9 years, (very painfully I might add) what shocks me about this case is NOT that they would hire a dirt bag capable of doing this. It does NOT shock me that the dirt bag tried to sell the lives of vets to the highest bidder. I am NOT shocked that he also attempted to sell out his fellow VA workers (Honor among thieves being what it always has been). I was mildly shocked that our government actually caught and charged him. We will see if they have the guts to actually try and convict him as I am sure the VA Union is currently threatening any and all politicians they purchased to make this case go away.

    No what really surprised me about this article is that the VA actually fired this slime ball. In all of the years I have been afflicted with these VA goons, I have NEVER heard of one being fired. I’ve heard they have been removed from their position, (which is always followed by an immediate transfer to another position at the same or higher rank) I’ve heard of suspensions (Short vaca’s with pay)….But I have NEVER heard of them firing anyone. Either this guy tried to roll a Union official or he robbed a VA administrator’s house and impregnated their dog. The VA doc that tried to give me an involuntary endoscope without any anesthetics didn’t even get a finger wag.

    What did this guy do to get fired? Inquiring minds wish to know…

    MSG Grumpy

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