Venezuela: Government Allows Cannibal Prisoner to Torture, Eat Fellow Inmates – IOTW Report

Venezuela: Government Allows Cannibal Prisoner to Torture, Eat Fellow Inmates

Breitbart: The parents of multiple late prisoners in the western state of Táchira, Venezuela, say the government did nothing to stop a notorious cannibal from killing and eating their children – and forcing other prisoners to eat human flesh or face the same fate.

The cases do not appear to be a product of the growing threat of famine in the socialist nation, though prisoners in many prisons have reportedly resorted to killing and eating stray cats to survive. Instead, it appears the government has done nothing to contain the perverse behavior of a prisoner known as “The People-Eater,” who is believed to have killed and eaten 40 people before being arrested.

“More than 40 prisoners attacked him,” Carlos Herrera, father of prisoner Juan Carlos Herrera, told reporters this week. “They stabbed him and hung him to bleed him out. Mr. Dorancel, known as ‘The People-Eater,’ was the one who butchered him to feed him to all the prisoners in the Táchira prison.” Dorancel Vargas is currently serving a prison sentence for cannibalism.  MORE

15 Comments on Venezuela: Government Allows Cannibal Prisoner to Torture, Eat Fellow Inmates

  1. Socialism-when you run out food, there’s always the neighbors.

    I’ve traveled all through Mexico way back in the day(early 70s) via train and bus. Ate at many a small town’s central marketo. No telling what that meat was to be truthful. My companions generally refused to partake of the quite delicious fare. I swear one time, there was one of those cone meat things that the Greeks slice off of to make gyros, hanging in some stall that had a fucking eyeball dangling off of it.

    I remember one time, after about 3 weeks on the road, arriving back at Nogales to cross and get my truck to return home. The 2 friends I had gone with, who hadn’t touched any of this vended food and who had drank only bottled water & no ice were violently ill. I had to stop the damn truck every 20-30 minutes on the way back for them to scamper off into the bushes. And that was all the way back where both were laid up for a week.

    And me, who was eating every thing in sight, although I did pass on that eyeball thing, was fine. Go figure.

  2. Oh, come on now. How is a prisoner supposed to get a head? How can he get a leg up? Who’s gonna give him a hand? You can rib him all you want, but somehow he’s gotta make ends meat.

  3. One of my buddies is from Venezuela. He is Jewish. He said he and his family GTFO of there back when Chavez’s version of Socialism -Socialistic Nationalism – began to metastisize and strengthen its grip on everyday Venezuelan life. They saw that they were facing a possible Holocaust v2.0

    There is a special place in hell reserved for Chavez and Maduro and their corrupt followers. They truly are monsters in every sense of the word.

  4. 40 prisoners to attack and stab one child? Why couldn’t they attack Senhor Dorancel and bleed him out instead? Problem solved… unless they WANTED the fresh meat.

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