“Very Green” – Biden’s Gas-Guzzling 85-Car-Motorcade Raises Climate-Crazed Eyebrows In Vatican Visit – IOTW Report

“Very Green” – Biden’s Gas-Guzzling 85-Car-Motorcade Raises Climate-Crazed Eyebrows In Vatican Visit

Zero Hedge: President Biden arrived at a climate summit in Glasgow on Sunday, but before that, the president cruised around Rome in an 85-vehicle gas-guzzling motorcade – drawing strong criticism on Twitter about liberal hypocrisy. 

On Friday, Biden was on his way to meet Pope Francis, traveling in an 85-car motorcade, when WaPo’s Chico Harlan captured that massive fleet of vehicles involving multiple gas-guzzling limos, SUVs, and a line of vans.  more

11 Comments on “Very Green” – Biden’s Gas-Guzzling 85-Car-Motorcade Raises Climate-Crazed Eyebrows In Vatican Visit

  1. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, they’re trying to shove electric cars down out throats (and up our collective asses) and NOT ONE of those gas-guzzling limos, SUVs and vans is electric!!
    So much for being one of the lunch bucket people!

  2. If FJB was really into saving the earth he would have drove around in a horse and buggy caravan. See, he doesn’t really care about the environment, it’s all smoke and mirror BS politics from the left.

  3. How many staff went on this boondoggle? It seems to me Joey B would need his car, one driver, and someone to translate what he says so the Pope can understand (good luck with that). i just saved our country millions, maybe billions! My fee is only 1% of the savings. Thanks for playing.

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