VIDEO: Man with “Hillary for Prison” Sign Crashes MSNBC Vice Presidential Debate Coverage – IOTW Report

VIDEO: Man with “Hillary for Prison” Sign Crashes MSNBC Vice Presidential Debate Coverage

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mark dice youtube

MSNBC’s post VP Debate panel got trolled by a guy with a Hillary for Prison sign, and other anti-Hillary messages, including “Blacks for Trump” while they were discussing the Mike Pence vs Tim Kaine debate on Monday. Media analyst Mark Dice has the story.


3 Comments on VIDEO: Man with “Hillary for Prison” Sign Crashes MSNBC Vice Presidential Debate Coverage

  1. I could’ve sworn I saw a govt. van in Kalispell, Mt. Monday morning displaying a Hillary for prison sign. To me it sure looked like that van had govt. plates but I only got a fleeting glimpse of it. But better yet on I-90 eastbound yesterday just across the Vantage bridge over the Columbia River I just happened to glance up and notice a large sign prominently displayed at the top of the bluff that says TRUMP. My first reaction was that couldn’t be what I thought it was but it’s there for all to see coming across the middle of Wash. State. It must’ve taken someone with lots of guts to get to the top of that bluff climb down it and put that sign up there. Hopefully it will stay put for a while for all the travelers to see on I-90.

  2. Hey, is that my Annie from the Popeye’s chicken commercials? I didn’t know she moonlighted as a political commentator!

    My favorite commercial of hers is where she held a press conference and said “over 7 billion customers come in every day for our chicken.” One of the reporters said “but there are only 5 billion people on Earth.” Annie gave her a ‘are you a dumbass’ scowl and replied “Some of ’em come in twice!”

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