Vintage Match Game That Will No Longer Air on GSN – IOTW Report

Vintage Match Game That Will No Longer Air on GSN

It was a question about Dr. Jekyll’s potion.

If they had such a potion today it would probably be mandatory to drink, like other leftist kool-aid.

ht/ irony curtain

16 Comments on Vintage Match Game That Will No Longer Air on GSN

  1. Well, who knows, they might go today for the answer that the potion turned him into Mrs. Hyde. Betting it will gain more approval than the disapproval for answer turning into a fag.

  2. Are any of the celebrities still alive? Mama Cass? No. Choked to death on a ham sammich. Dawson and Kaufman? Doubt it.
    I didn’t know some of them and too lazy to look up the others.

  3. 1973.


    As bad as my dad tells me that year was, I’d give almost ANYTHING to escape this madhouse. Heck, I’d settle for ’83.

    (yay! edit is back!

    grool, de-socking)


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