Virginia Dem Running for Re-Election Missed Half Of Council Meetings – IOTW Report

Virginia Dem Running for Re-Election Missed Half Of Council Meetings

DC: Democratic Virginia Delegate Kathleen Murphy missed half of the meetings that Fairfax County taxpayers expected her to attend, an analysis by The Daily Caller has found.

Murphy, who represents parts of both Loudoun County and Fairfax County, is running for re-election.

The Daily Caller emailed Murphy’s Richmond office but did not immediately receive a response. Murphy’s district office voicemail instructed callers to use her district telephone line. Calls were not returned.

From Sept. 22, 2008, to March 16, 2015, Murphy, who served on the Fairfax County Human Services Council at the time, showed up to fewer than half of the council’s meetings. According to council minutes available on Fairfax County’s website, Murphy was “present” at just 32 of the 76 meetings during the period. She was “excused” for 40 of those meetings and absent for three of them.

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6 Comments on Virginia Dem Running for Re-Election Missed Half Of Council Meetings

  1. Most of the get togethers are a waste of time anyway, but that is what you were elected for.
    Taxpayers should demand their money back according to the percentage missed, whether they were “excused” or not.

  2. I’m with PHenry. Absentee politicians generally do far less damage than those who actually attend meetings and sessions. If she could get her absentee rate to close to 100%, the voters should give her a raise.

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