I’m a vulgarian… without the wealth.
Donald Trump answers the question, “what’s the difference between a wet raccoon and Donald Trump’s hair?”
ht/ So unexpected I about died laughing! And it wasn’t the vulgar word he used, so much as his expression and way of saying what he said. Dang, he suddenly reminded me of Vinnie Gambino in a courtroom scene. What a president he’s gonna make. – Abigail Adams
Actually $9 billion now, but that’s beside the point.
…and that’s only his pussy hat stash…
At least we have a figure now.
DJT has the potential to make the biggest difference between the winning and losing candidate that has ever been recorded. Of course that can’t be recorded, but can you imagine the difference in our national state mind if hilary was the PEOTUS?
I’m still laughing! I just can’t help imagining him around a table of people who have traveling entourages in the double digits, who are so used to being tip-toed around and petted by everyone. There’s Our Man Trump getting down to brass tacks and blowing everyone’s minds with an eye-roll and declarative statement that has them all urgently asking for their interpreters — even the British delegation. LOL!
The difference between a wet raccoon and Donald J. Trump’s hair is that Bill Clinton would not hump Donald J. Trump’s hair.
O My goodness, he said the “F” word. He’s finished. We can’t have that. LMAO.
@AA – listened and then played for hubby. We’re still laughing!!!!
Honesty is returning to the White House!
@jclady — I know, right?! It’s a combination of his facial expressions and the fact that he says it as “Duh! Anyone with half a brain knows the answer.” So funny..
I’ve used the F word during high level Biz meeting in the past. Seen it used by others. It’s like the ultimate punctuation mark in high level negotiation. And Mr. Trump has negotiated at levels higher than anybody. This is going to be fun. They don’t stand a fucking chance.
Honest and personality 🙂
The thing is DJT identifies as a Blue Colar guy. And he negotiates from that position. An indelible personality.
Best laugh in two weeks. TY AA.
The Nation Review staff just fainted dead away, tee hee.
He just lost my vote in 2020.
As long as we have a man with ballz in the
house that used to be called white that STANDS
for America and not some goddamn ghetto
socialist experiment?
I’m all for it. Fuck YEAH.
Bill Kristal just shat hiself.
Finally, as one Vulgar Son of a Bitch, a President I can relate to.
I am now realizing times in the past when I was thinking “Jesus Christ why can’t this guy just say what he means” was all intentional in his part. Drawing them in. Always been his biggest fan. But now I totally get it. Yes he’s a Vulgarian. And we like sweet revenge like no other. We haven’t seen his best yet. He hadn’t even started.
BB — Yeah, I think it was this peculiar joke that reaffirmed something for me. See, Trump has been involved in the toughest industries: gambling, real estate, golf courses, hospitality/restaurants, entertainment, Atlantic City, New York. He’s as tough as they come and given another set of circumstances he probably would have ended up as a mafia Don and not The Donald. I don’t doubt that he has more than a passing knowledge of the gritty, brutal side of “doing business”. We need a gutsy guy for president, not an ideologue with their head in the clouds.
AA, Agreed, further more, they have no idea what’s coming, they have no idea who they are fucking with. We have both said this before, everyone else is playing checkers while Trump is playing 3D chess. Speaking for my self, I had no idea to what level. Let the games begin.
BB — “..they have no idea who..” Yup. It’s gonna be awesome.
And you know something else? It totally explains Trump’s complete indifference to the media and the clintons (and everyone else). When you have it in you to be the meanest SOB in the room, you don’t scare easily. Gingrich, in response to O’Reilly’s bewilderment over the other Republican candidates not wanting to take Trump on, said “Look, Trump is the grizzly bear in The Revenant; if you bother him he wakes up and if he wakes up he comes over and bites your face off and then sits on you. After Jeb and Rubio the others just said, ‘Nah, I don’t think it’s worth it.'”
This is why Cruz, by his actions (especially at the convention), was revealed to be a honest to goodness neophyte and total idiot. And to think there were people who wanted that.
As someone who grew up seeing the rough and tumble brilliance of self starters, (Those were the gutsy women of the family.) Trump never surprised me. Only once or twice did I ever cringe a bit when he mouthed the things that made the RINOs clutch their pink hairy pearls.
PJ — Yeah, me too. The night he silently mouth the “f” word was especially cringe-worthy. But then I realized “warts and all” really does mean “warts and all.” And the warts were actually the best part of the “all.” 🙂
I love this man. I don’t expect to love everything he does and says, but he is a bare-knuckled brawler who will fight for our country. He, Bannon and Conway are all smart and tough and yet have a sense of humor. Hold on — this is going to be a helluva ride!
PS – PJ… “pink hairy pearls”…LOL!
AA, I think he’s hunting. He knows his prey, he identified it sometime ago.
As long as Trump keeps me laughing I’m okay. Every time I see a video like this I just gloat. I’ll never tire of gloating.
BB — Yeah, he’s got that predator sense. I think it was the guy at the convention — his friend who made such a great, short speech who said that Trump gets up every day and just starts moving, doesn’t stand still. He is disciplined to move fast because he knows he has to catch the gazelle and run fast enough to not become prey himself. Now that is a keenly developed predatory (opportunity catching) sense.
The most impressive part of this coup is DJT completely understood the electorate and the working man/ err person. And Conway, holy crap. That’s our first woman President.
VDH nailed thepredator sense.
” Victor David Hanson: Trump has, and this is not a term of disparagement, Trump has something called animal cunning. And you saw it. I’m not saying that necessarily it was enlightening, but when he looked at Jeb Bush, he looked at him for about 10 minutes, and he said he had low energy. He does. And I had never thought, I always thought that Marco Rubio was 6-6. All of a sudden, he said Marco Rubio, and he shrunk. And I always thought Rand Paul had integrity. I didn’t agree with him, but I thought that’s a principled guy, so when Rand Paul said to him in that debate, “You take money and you give money,” and he said, “You should know, you came into my office and begged for $10,000.00.” Oh my God. And then, I liked Ted Cruz, but I thought Ted Cruz played fast and loose with the truth. And it wasn’t just that he said “lying Ted Cruz,” he did his Apprentice act, the “Lyin’ Ted Cruz.” So he destroyed six, not defeated them, but destroyed them. When John Kasich, like an Old Testament sermon, would start prophesizing, Trump really said, “Blah blah blah.” That’s what he said. So he has animal cunning. He can size things up and remember that these people had all of these research teams on the Republican side. They had all of these issues, and yet this guy comes out and he picks on two issues. You know, he always said China. Trade. And everybody and the Republicans said what is he talking about? We’re Wall Street Journal free traders. Free trade helps everybody. It lifts all boats. In theory it does, but in fact, people cheat, and this guy, who knows about cheating, spotted that, and then he looked at immigration and every time he gave a speech on illegal immigration, the next day in the paper, there was some poor soul who had been killed by an illegal alien who had left the scene of an accident or murder, and Trump would say, “See.” So he had animal cunning. He does. And, don’t ever forget that. He has wonderful political instincts. No doubt about it.”
Also on youtube
cued up to start at that comment:
@ Tired Mom
I should have prefaced that with TINY, deflated and impotent. 🙂
I wish my dollars in the bank would fuck like Trump’s.