WaPo Reported George Papadopoulos Story In August (And It Proved No Trump Collusion) – IOTW Report

WaPo Reported George Papadopoulos Story In August (And It Proved No Trump Collusion)

The Lid:  

Along with the indictment of Paul Manafort and his associate Rick Gates, we learned that a low-level Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos plead guilty to lying to the FBI. Apparently, Mr. Papadopoulos lied to the FBI about the timing and contacts he had with Russians and that they offered to give him thousands of emails about/from Hillary Clinton. But as one reads through the indictment the realization builds that Team Trump kept rejecting young George’s offers to set them up with their Russian friends (indictment embedded at end of post).

Here’s the fun part, back in August the Washington Post reported on what  George Papadopoulos tried to do, and in a rare moment for the Washinton Post, the story seemed to be favorable to the Trump Team, at the very least it showed that the Trump campaign had no interest in his Russian contacts.

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4 Comments on WaPo Reported George Papadopoulos Story In August (And It Proved No Trump Collusion)

  1. Listening to the radio this morning coming into work was just sickening. “3 Former Trump Campaign officials under indictment in the Russian Collusion investigation.” is basically how WCBS reporter started off the 430A headlines. It took the buffoon a good minute before he casually mentioned that the charges against Manafort and Gates had to do with money laundering and tax evasion. Then about how Papadopoulous LIED to the FBI.

    Shit like this is why I’ve already spent 1/2 the morning at work knocking the pegs off the stupid libs coming over to tell me Trump’s in big trouble now.

  2. The last time I heard news readers so giddy with excitement was when Trump said he might contest the election result if he lost. Boom. That was it. Trump was toast.

    The funny, yet scary, thing is that they are not cynical manipulators feeding us a line. They truly believe the drivel that comes out of their mouths. Hard landing ahead, journos.

  3. Read the court docs that were filed in the Papadopoulos case. You don’t have to be a lawyer to be embarrassed for Mueller, his multimillion dollar legal team and the media reporting on it.

    The entire case is that Papadopoulos – an unpaid volunteer who comes across as a self aggrandizing wannabe – mis-states the dates that he became aware of a couple of people.

    The document goes into detail on calls and emails he sent to the Trump campaign trying to set up meetings with Putin through his “good friends” that he just met. In each case, the person he writes to gently rebuffs him. This over a period of months.

    That’s it. That’s the entire case against him. All this while Hillary, Obama and the Dems were paying an ex-British spy $12 million to get the Russians to create stories about Trump to discredit him.

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