Was Pelosi Drunk? – IOTW Report

Was Pelosi Drunk?


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi fumbled with her words and face mask at the conclusion of a press conference Thursday on the bipartisan infrastructure bill.

The California Democrat appeared distracted as she thanked the crowd, with somebody out of the camera shot apparently drawing her attention, and then told reporters to “think positively.”

She then attempted to put on her mask , first accidentally covering her entire face with it before realizing it was upside down. more

33 Comments on Was Pelosi Drunk?

  1. Every time I see the flag with the Great Seal, it’s always folded to look like some ghostly jack o’ lantern.

    And speaking of cloth, yeah, she was three sheets to the wind.

    We are in the very best of liver-spotted hands.

  2. A series of petit mals.
    Compounded by alcohol (not that there’s anything wrong with that).

    Hopefully, she’ll be on her way to Hell soon.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. You can tell her mask is something she rehearsed for and failed several times in rehearsal to make it look good. She lacks confidence with her mask abilities and wants it to go away for her but she’s stuck in this charade so many were willing to go along with. Off camera she curses the damn thing, but is required to make love to it on camera and she hates it. It’s the complete opposite of ice cream for her.

  4. I believe the proper term is “self-medicating”.
    She’s sold her soul to Satan and as time draws near for him to collect, she’s a bit nervous.
    The cognitive dissonance that she so willingly engaged in is taking its toll.
    If she is a devout Catholic, then she is hearing the screams of the millions of unborn killed.
    She has offered her precious grandchildren up on the altar of Biden worship-“Instead of open sesame, they say open Biden”-WT-everlasting-F was that about?
    It is all self-inflicted. I have no pity on her. She will receive her just reward in hell for an eternity of eternities. It’s just getting a bit warm for her right about now!


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