Washington Times reporter Mike Glenn weighs in on the latest regarding the leak of classified documents – IOTW Report

Washington Times reporter Mike Glenn weighs in on the latest regarding the leak of classified documents

Emerald Robinson has the story.

5 Comments on Washington Times reporter Mike Glenn weighs in on the latest regarding the leak of classified documents

  1. Did anyone else get the impression that the reporter did not take the anchor seriously.

    I read in Coffee and COVID today that the EU voted to send Ukraine a whole bunch of missies. After they voted on that, they discovered that there aren’t THAT many missiles in Europe. Add to that that Zelensky has been selling the arms he has been getting to pad his wallet. I am sure he is also sending 10% back to the big guy as well.

    Now we are supposed to believe that a low-ranking 21 year old leaked highly secret documents.

    We can only hope, but it seems like the deep state, which is more an international plague than just an American one, realizes it must make its move now or it will fall.

  2. must be the ukranian grift is coming to an end

    this leak will halp close it out

    no one who took kick backs will see justice

    we just racked up another 125 billion in debt to line the pockets of the fed goverment grifters.

  3. On a related thought, I heard Trump at the NRA meeting today talking about General Milley stating that it would be “easier” to leave behind some (or ALL) of the military equipment in Afghanistan instead of returning it to the US.

    Kind of made me wonder about the big deal made of such classified documents (or, paper trails) recently, and whether there was a deal or discount made by Biden to the enemy if he simply arranged to leave the equipment for an undisclosed payment under the table and have it laundered through one of his more favorite countries.

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