Watch Modern Day (CRAP!) Journalism in REAL TIME – IOTW Report

Watch Modern Day (CRAP!) Journalism in REAL TIME

Here’s the New Yorker bint describing the process she went through before publishing her crap story.

She says one of the witnesses for Ramirez is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT SURE that he heard about the Kavanaugh Yale incident when it happened.

When pressed if she could state if this guy was a direct witness, the bint obfuscates and says, “he remembers it clearly.”

What is the it? Is it the act of Kavanaugh wagging his dick in Ramirez’s face?

Nope. The it is hearing the rumor. He’s 100% sure he heard the rumor.

We have a bit of a YUGE problem here. The New Yorker doesn’t have a single corroborating witness who will state they were in the Yale dorm and saw what the accuser is claiming happened.

So when the New Yorker runs the part about the guy being ONE HUNDRED PERCENT SURE, he is merely ONE HUNDRED PERCENT SURE IT WAS BRETT KAVANAUGH that the other guy said he saw. And we don’t know who this other guy is, and the New Yorker hasn’t found him.

So they breathlessly published ONE HUNDRED PERCENT BULLSHIT!

13 Comments on Watch Modern Day (CRAP!) Journalism in REAL TIME

  1. I think I’m beginning to see how this works
    I’ll start out small, as I can always change the minor ‘details’ later, as needed.

    I loaned feinstein $500.00 and she hasn’t paid me back. I think I’m sure of that, but I might be a little off on the amount, zero-wise, but we were drinking at the time.

  2. Someone needs to explain to the general public that without sworn statements, everything is just ‘talk.’ It is open to libel and slander charges, but it is just talk. Much of it is second hand talk, and that is hearsay, which is what the mueller investigation is based on.

  3. ANON
    Not the GOP – the bush/Obama/Rove wing of the GOP! is f**king us! Bush/Obama folk are the “leaders” but not the majority of the party!

    I think it is time to purge the Obama/Bush “leaders” – in “the Ol Corps” we Calle this a MUTINY!
    the Obama/Rove folk have lied to us many times the last 29 years! They have not morals. As the Yeb post today pointed out clearly. The GOP needs honest leaders; Not the Bush/Obama liars!


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