We Don’t See Feminists Beating Down the Door To Have “Manslaughter” Changed to “Peopleslaughter” – IOTW Report

We Don’t See Feminists Beating Down the Door To Have “Manslaughter” Changed to “Peopleslaughter”


Eternal Cracker P made this comment on a post about Climate Change-

As for the wording, MAN made climate change. Men as a whole aren’t bad, yet every bad thing is named after men. Go figure.

Man Made Climate Change is killing Mother Nature.

See how that works. The earth is feminine, just sitting there, a victim. The scary evil men are changing the climate and are going to kill all the innocent women.

Smash the patriarchy! No longer will we say “man” in our words and phrases. Unless it’s something icky, then you can have it.

We can keep manslaughter. There is no interest on the part of feminists to have that changed to personslaughter.

Klansman? Never really heard any bint step up and say, “whoa, whoa, whoa. That’s Klansperson, thank you.”

Manhole cover? We can have it. It’s smelly and dirty, like men.

Marksman? This is a tough one. On one hand shooting is bad. On the other hand,  implying that when you get good at shooting you become a marksman is terribly patriarchal? It’s a dilemma, like free ham in Mosul.

And what are the chances that hangman will become hangperson? Zero.

How about boogyman? My guess is that the feminists are perfectly happy with that word the way it is.

Thinking about it, I do have a problem with one particular phrase. They say that we’ve become too PC, but to be fair, the expression Chinaman is a little rude. I see the left’s point.

I vow that I will never say that again.

From now on it’s Chinaperson.

And as far as smashing the patriarchy goes, can you do me a favor and smash them with your big tits?

9 Comments on We Don’t See Feminists Beating Down the Door To Have “Manslaughter” Changed to “Peopleslaughter”

  1. Every Friday a man of Chinese persuasion would walk by a group of

    Greek Fishermen, and they’d yell

    “Hey Chinaman, what Day is it?”

    and He’d reply

    “It’s Flyday”

    Which would leave the Greeks rolling with laughter

    After Weeks of this abuse, the person of Chinese persuasion would

    practice saying it correctly over and over til He got it right

    The end of the Week rolled around and as He passed the Greeks

    They yelled

    “Hey Chinaman, what Day is it ?”

    He replied

    “It’s Friday”

    “You Gleek Plicks”

  2. Sorry for the late reply, busy night. The idea is from The Red Pill, a documentary about MRA and feminism by Cassie Jaye. If you don’t get the movie, watch the clips on YouTube, she’s pretty informative on the issue even if you don’t agree with her other documentaries, a documentary that started as a feminist and is no longer.

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