“We have the votes” – John Cornyn on Tax Reform – IOTW Report

“We have the votes” – John Cornyn on Tax Reform

Are they going to pass it before we see what’s in it?


Senate Republicans were quickly winning over key hold-outs on their massive tax overhaul Friday, even as they frantically rewrote the multi-trillion-dollar legislation and few details were public just hours before a vote.

Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-Texas) said Friday that Republicans have the votes to pass the bill, which would slash the corporate tax rate as well as rates for some — but not all — individuals.

“We have at least 50 and we’re still working,” Cornyn said shortly before Republicans were meeting to discuss next steps on the measure.

“I think it probably does” have the votes to pass said Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), one of the most vocal swing-votes.

In a win for leadership, GOP Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and Steve Daines of Montana declared on Friday they will both support the bill. A sweeping manager’s amendment to be unveiled later Friday will likely incorporate significant changes from the version that cleared the Senate Finance Committee just over two weeks ago.

Johnson in particular is a major boost for Senate GOP leaders, who have struggled all week to corral at least 50 votes for the tax measure. Republicans are using powerful budget procedures to evade a Democratic filibuster on the bill, so Majority Leader Mitch McConnell can lose only two GOP votes and pass the bill.


8 Comments on “We have the votes” – John Cornyn on Tax Reform

  1. It’s obvious they don’t have any intention of giving us the bill President Trump wanted.
    The amendments are the knife in the back as Corker wants a clause that enables congress to raise the same taxes if things don’t go as well as expected. In translation, we will jerk those taxes back up asap!

  2. Regardless of what the final bill looks like, they might as well print the following simplified instructions at the top of each 1040 for the benefit of middle-class taxpayers:

    1. Bend over.

    2. Lube up.

    3. Brace yourself.

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