We Might Have Sold a Hellfire Missile to Cuba – IOTW Report

We Might Have Sold a Hellfire Missile to Cuba


IndependentSentinel– Our new BFFs in Cuba received a Hellfire missile from the US. No one knows how they got it and some suspect espionage. It was being shipped to Florida when it ended up in Cuba. The State Department SPOX John Kirby, nicknamed the idiot by Sen. McCain, suggested US companies were to blame.

Kirby was asked by a reporter, “You’re not actually suggesting you sold this to the Cubans?” to which Kirby said, “I’m not at liberty to comment…”

The reporter didn’t understand why Kirby couldn’t say, “No, we didn’t sell this to the Cubans or it got there by mistake…”

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38 Comments on We Might Have Sold a Hellfire Missile to Cuba

  1. The hellfile missile first entered production in 1982 it’s old stuff. I would presume that Russia/China/YourNeighborSteve have already stolen this tech or developed something better themselves.

    It’s like when you see one roach or ant in your house. You know there are a lot more not just the one.

    Where are all the other missiles, what are they shooting them from and what other weapon platforms are we misplacing?

    Seems to me this “shipment” is/was part of some covert black OP quite possibly a part of some future false flag maneuver.

  2. That was probably included as part of the Bonus Stuff Clinton included when he sold all the missile technology to the Chi-Coms.

    Bubba: “Make it payable in small, used bills – nothin’ bigger’n a $20 – and I’ll throw in some Hellfire, AIM-9N and other goodies for y’all as a bonus!”

  3. Congress will do nothing – they are complicit.
    SCROTUS will do nothing – they are complicit.
    The Armed Forces will do nothing – it ain’t allowed (they took a solemn oath).
    The Spook Agencies (CIA, NSA, DIA, FBI, &c.) will do nothing – they are complicit.
    The Sheeple will do nothing – they are Sheeple.

    Soooo … who dafuq’s left?

  4. Russia has more varieties or ATGM than the US. Their Hellfire equivalent is Vikhr, though it is questionable that at 130mm diameter it can penetrate the frontal armor of an Abrams.

    The Russians also have several types of laser beam riding riding ATGMs (seekers in the rear) like Kornet and Springer. The Kornet has been getting a workout in Lebanon and Syria.

  5. And too risky.

    Alive = possible to be released and cause more trouble.

    Yet, killed would make them martyrs. An even bigger problem.

    Quite the conundrum.

    Hmm If a helicopter carry Seals can crash and burn without consequence, you’d think other helicopters could too.

  6. I’m only aware of the Kornet. I did do a quick google search before I made my comment and even if you search Russian Wire Guided missiles it come up with different guidance systems. I think 1996 or 98 is when the Kornet came out and the defense contract we were working for seemed to think the thing was plagued with problems. Sounds like you have better info than me.

  7. I actually have pity for John Kirby. I imagine he comes from an Irish Catholic background and has great difficulty lying with the mousies. in the White Tent. I can’t understand why he doesn’t quit.
    I have this feeling that he will have a break down soon.
    Just my thoughts.

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