“Weekend at Bernie’s” Is Alive and Well – IOTW Report

“Weekend at Bernie’s” Is Alive and Well

The Federalist

But this is no goofy ’80s film, and the comedy factor runs out when you realize Feinstein isn’t the only Bernie at this soirée. Since before he was even elected in 2022, Sen. John Fetterman has been surrounded by an entourage of heartless staffers and his succubus wife who have been doing their darnedest to make him appear as lively as possible despite severe side effects of a stroke. These handicaps have included obvious mental deficiencies, incoherence, and ultimately clinical depression that took him out of the Senate and into the hospital shortly after he assumed office. More

13 Comments on “Weekend at Bernie’s” Is Alive and Well

  1. In addition to Feinstein, Fetterman, and Joey, there’s also Adam Schiff who has been brain dead for almost a decade and remains animated only by means of genetically modified cockroach nerve cell transplants.

  2. The entire cabal of both parties are beyond pathetic. The average person will work in their chosen profession for an average of 30 to 40 years. They will then retire to enjoy their families, grandchildren, travel or just have a hobby to pass the time. You don’t see many electricians, nurses, mechanics etc. working into their late 80’s or 90’s. Why? Because along with age, indeed comes wisdom, but one will also begin to fail both mentally & physically. The likes of Joe Biden, Dianne Feinstein, Mitch McConnell & the rest of their lot get elected & spend the time until they die, just robbing those they are supposed to represent & campaigning for the next election. They serve no purpose. I’ve said it before, you want to seek office over the age of 70? No chance, mandatory retirement. Also, 2 terms in the Senate(12 Years)& 6 in Congress(12 years, too). If one has served their term in the House, no Senate for you. Move on. As for Uncle Fetterman & the like, serious health issues will bar that person even being on the ballot.

  3. @Dr. Tar — Other than Swalwell’s always saying really stupid things, always doing really stupid things, and looking really, really stupid all the time, what makes you say that? (-:

  4. Fetterman, Feinstein, Biden, Nancy. When will “they” realize that the people they elect cannot even manage a clown show? I guess it doesn’t matter, as long as they have the heavenly (D) next to their name.

  5. They and their staffs are greedy in the extreme. The lust for money and power can never be satisfied – hence these ancient relics being pushed around in wheel chairs, or stumbling across stages, by those who profit from pushing them around in wheel chairs, or assisting them in stumbling across stages.
    The Retarded Pedophile Usurper, McConnell, Manchin, Pelosi, Feinstein, Warren, Blumenthal, Sanders, Schumer – Hell, half the Senate and a huge portion of the House are greedy, drooling maggots who are well past their sell dates – but the apathetic, can’t-be-bothered voters refuse to analyze the actual performance of the maggots for whom they pull the lever. We chant slogans and listen to vapid nonsense every election cycle – vaguely disturbed out of our somnolence and desirous to get back to our sports or our mindlessly titillating TV programming.

    All three branches of gov’t are infested with traitors, liars, and thieves.
    This is so because We, the People of the United States, can’t be bothered.

    Now the evils we’ve allowed to take root are bearing fruit.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Chuckles Schumer appointed Fetterman chairman of a subcommittee, just to shove it into the face of all of us who can plainly see he is unfit to serve. This is how the dems operate, but I blame the gutless republicans who allow this charade to continue for fear of being called some kind of “phobic”.


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