Welcome Back My Friends to the Show that Never Ends – IOTW Report

Welcome Back My Friends to the Show that Never Ends

Fox News

Still, Republicans need to steel themselves: Democrats are about to put on an incredible show. No, I don’t mean the Democratic Convention in Chicago, which starts on August 19. I mean the tidal wave of money and faux enthusiasm which is about to flow into the campaign to elect Kamala Harris. Democrats everywhere will inundate the airwaves with excited testimonials about Harris’ candidacy; MSNBC hosts will be positively giddy. More

26 Comments on Welcome Back My Friends to the Show that Never Ends

  1. I trust Fox about as far as I can throw them. The media will carry water for her, including Fox, but the woman is bat shit crazy, she can’t stop herself from cackling. She’s as dumb as a box of rocks, actually a box of rocks is probably smarter than her. They’ll throw out the racist card, the woman hater card, the slut shaming card, but in a fair election she couldn’t win dog catcher.

  2. If you know any democrats and still speak with them, give them a Kamala cackle every time they say anything.
    “My aunt has cancer.”
    “Oh, that’s awful. Ha ha ha.”

  3. After Klammy’s first speech as a presidential candidate, CNN and MSNBC reporters were ‘blown away’ and ‘jumping out of their chairs’. They’re not even bothering to create the illusion of impartiality.

  4. Has Fox begun referring to the damn thing as President Elect Harris yet? It was constant at the top and bottom of the hour news leading all the way up to J6 with Biden. They were like a Goddamn parrot or a scratched record.

  5. Qild Bill,
    The DeMSM should’a been jumping out of their 10th floor windows.

  6. They have to build up her poll numbers to make an election steal plausible. That’s all this is.

    And if they succeed again, everyone here – and every freedom-loving American – has to make up their minds whether to fight -or- die.

  7. She’s the next great savior to usher in the new progressive utopia and finally rid us of all those racist Nazi rethugliKKKans!!!

    That’s literally how the typical drunken wine mom democrat piece of shit thinks. Never underestimate the dumbassery of a sizable chunk of the US public. And the ghetto trash blacks will support anyone who allows them to continue their lives of sociopathic savagery and degeneracy with minimal impediments.

  8. Most people didn’t believe them about Ol’ Joe’s mental and health status, what makes them think anyone but the ignorant dem sheep will believe them about Kommiela?

  9. Marooned, maybe God will make joey speak the truth tonight, that is my prayer. joey has nothing to lose if he does spill the beans on his ouster and possible coup attempt. God does work in mysterious ways after all, we’ll see what happens tonight if joey even shows up and the democraps make even more excuses for him.


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