Welcome to TeXas – IOTW Report

Welcome to TeXas

X closed its San Francisco headquarters today.

15 Comments on Welcome to TeXas

  1. @Heatsync — I love that idea, but it might cause more legal trouble than other remedies, such as opening up the HQ building to the bums and loonies living on the street outside.

  2. He warned the guv that he’d be leaving if the guv signed some law (can’t remember which one) having to do with illegals and freebies or voting (I think).

    Here’s to everyone who laughed since Civil War I when they declared “The South shall rise again!” It does seem the states are sure ’nuff picking sides. All the Red states will have the commerce this time.

  3. Hmm, was Texas actually part of the south? There’s some serious shit headed our way and we dwell on the south rising again as homeland security, with no authority, have appointed the not so Secret Service in charge of election integrity and the electoral college. But by all means let’s focus on the first civil war. Fuck me.

  4. As some wag punned when Musk first announced this “All My “X”s Live In Texas”

  5. Now all he needs is the requisite bumper sticker for people like him.

    “I wasn’t born in Texas, but I got here as fast as I could”

    Signaling to all that he comes in peace and is happy to be here.

    Back in `80, Yankees flooded Texas because of Carter’s economic malaise. Many of them weren’t that grateful to be here and often would say something like “That’s not how we do it in Yankeetown where I’m from” Which would generate ire in many Texans now working with them and would respond something like ‘Well, that may be the reason you’re here’ and even express regrets for having, RELUCTANTLY HAVING, to come here expressed with the simple bumper sticker “I (heart) NY” to which we responded with our locally popular bumper sticker ‘Love NY? Take I-30 East!’

    Don’t be bitchin’ about Texas! Go back to where you came from if it ain’t your cup of tea. It’s not like WE need YOU.


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