Well, Here’s That Day Off Everyone Was Urging Me To Take!!! – IOTW Report

Well, Here’s That Day Off Everyone Was Urging Me To Take!!!

It’s been forced on us, I guess.

If you haven’t heard, our server in Canada decided to pull the plug and never gave us a heads up that it was going to happen.


So, I’m scrambling to replicate the site as best as I can before tomorrow.

Hang in there. We’ll be back- BETTER THAN EVER!!!!!

You can’t stop us.

42 Comments on Well, Here’s That Day Off Everyone Was Urging Me To Take!!!

  1. I was wondering what had happened. I sent a link to one of your pages to a co-worker today and they came back a bit later and said the link didn’t work and the browser just timed out. I tried repeatedly the rest of the day with no luck. I thought I broke the Internet…

  2. Please be patient. Site was hit with a nuclear missile, and yet, no one was hurt. Right now, we’re all walking around with candles and flashlights. The place was ransacked by imbeciles so they didn’t get away with the valuables, but everything’s out of place – like the timestamp for instance.
    And the comment interface is wonky.
    BFH is up on the pole outside (get your mind out of the gutter) and we hope to have power restored soon. As we’d tell the kids: “So the TV is off for a while. Try talking to each other.”

  3. It is kind of eerie visiting this formerly proud website. It is now just a skeletal shell of its former self.

    Being here now is like being in the operating room of Steve Austin…we can rebuild him…we have the technology…

  4. @ Dadof4

    Happy Birthday you young whippersnapper you. God bless you and yours.

    I’d sing, but then it would have to be on the joke page. I didn’t even make high school choir – and everyone made it.

  5. Oh sure, blame Canada…

    We’re sorry eh, bit caught up in the post Stanley Cup hangovers and we just aren’t ourselves today. Would a case of beer, maple syrup and some smoked salmon make an acceptable apology? Let me know and I’ll get the moose courier headed south.

  6. Who was your service provider up here? Doesn’t your contract with them state notice periods if they decide to terminate? Are they really that stupid to open themselves up to possible litigation? I know, a lot of questions but it’s incredible in this day and age of the net that this would happen. It’s like the post office deleting your address because they don’t like your aluminum siding.

  7. For those of you who have gravatars: If they’re not showing up here, go to your gravatar account and switch your picture rating to “G”. (as in the movie rating system, “General audience)
    My avatar didn’t show here because it was set to “PG”.

    A lot of blogs seem to be set up to only be accepting G rated nowadays.

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