“We’re led by a man that either is not tough, not smart, or he’s got something else in mind” – Donald Trump – IOTW Report

“We’re led by a man that either is not tough, not smart, or he’s got something else in mind” – Donald Trump

Nice to see a presidential candidate saying what bloggers say. I’m sick of my representatives tip-toeing around truths because of “decorum”, the “high-road.”

Just say it, Obama is an Islamic sympathizer.

Trump: Maybe Obama sympathizes with the terrorists

“People cannot, they cannot believe that President Obama is acting the way he acts and can’t even mention the words ‘radical Islamic terrorism.’ There’s something going on. It’s inconceivable. There’s something going on,” Trump said.

“He doesn’t get it or he gets it better than anybody understands. It’s one or the other,” he added.

Trump had tweeted the day before that Obama should resign for not using the words radical Islamic terrorism in his initial statement about the atrocity at the Pulse nightclub.


44 Comments on “We’re led by a man that either is not tough, not smart, or he’s got something else in mind” – Donald Trump

  1. Rubio came the closest to mentioning Obola’s traitorous ways.
    Glad to see Trump opening up a little.
    He knows the truth, but saying it out loud will alienate a whole passel of morons.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. One thing I like about Mr.Trump is that you don’t have to turn on Fox/CNN to have some dipshit explain to you what he just said. He says it in a way even I can figure out what he said.

  3. Jill, did you catch what Ted said?
    He rightfully dumped this in the lap of all of Islam worldwide.
    Political sniping is entertaining, but the focus needs to be on eradicating this evil cult.

  4. I like the cover picture for this post. Yep, a bunch of “pansies”, indeed.
    And what do most plants grow best in? Decomposed shit, blood and bone meal. I leave the analogies as an exercise for the student.

  5. Trump may be many things but he is not wishy-washy.
    Trump fights to win.
    He did it in the primaries, he is doing it now for the general election in calling out all the things many have thought but been “too nice to say”.
    If he becomes our next President, he will do it in all ways – strap on your seat belt…

  6. Made the mistake of watching Fox News last nite OReilly was grilling Trump and then Megan Kelly was trying her hardest to vilify the FBI for not preventing the shooting. When the FBI guy began talking about Huma Abedin she quickly cut him off. Hope Trump goes after Huma.

  7. Cruz lacked the direct hit Trump delivered. He blamed Radical Islam and pointed out the left will use this, again, to attack the 2nd amendment.

    Trump let people think even worse of Pres Pissypants, but it was about the 2nd amendment and unarming the people

  8. Been telling people that for the last eight years! Big O hates and wants to destroy the USA. Everything he does points to the fact. I believe the worst is yet to come too. he will not go away quietly.

  9. Obama stated emphatically, that if the political winds change, he would stand with the muslims.

    Everything that he does ever since he took office, affirms and reaffirms that fact. In fact, his actions have become more and more brazen.

    Islam has stated they will put an Islamic flag over the WH and make no mistake, they mean it. Obama is going to help them do it. It’s going to be a long and dangerous eight months.

  10. Cruz is plain spoken and great on Islam, but he doesn’t question Obama’s motives.
    Bloggers have for years.
    Now the same bloggers wince when Trump says it.
    I don’t get it.

    As Bill Whittle said (with a dose of hypocrisy) the right doesn’t seem to believe their own rhetoric.
    Meanwhile, Whittle ridicules Trump on some of things that us bloggers have been saying for years.
    He said 3 years ago he’d like for a candidate to pull a gun out at the podium and explain 2A.
    No, Bill. No you wouldn’t.

    Way to lead the cultural and pop revolution, Bill.

    (All my heroes tend to disappoint me in the long run. That’s why I don’t look to find heroes anymore.)

  11. @Listing to Starboard. Yep I saw that clip. Soon as the FBI guy mentioned Huma’s family, Iran, the clinton foundation etc, Kelly came up with “for the record, for the record,” interrupting. It was sickening. He looked pissed off, and rightly so.
    I wish BFH would play that clip here. I’m trying to find it but I’m a dunce at finding things.

  12. The complicit nature of government and ALL media – including Fox – has never been more in focus than with the Orlando Muslim terrorist.

    Multiple foreign and a couple of regional papers are reporting that the shooter was gay and a 3+ year regular at Pulse recognized by many survivors. Fox “breaking news” is that he “cased” Pulse. HE DIDN’T HAVE TO CASE IT HE KNEW EVERYTHING ABOUT IT.

    NY Post reports in interview with first wife FBI told her NOT to tell American media terrorist was gay.

    Protected victims: Muslims and gays. Must never question or in any way disturb the left wing narrative.

    Yesterday after Trump speech, Fox went to Carl Cameron to sum up. He started his report with negative comments about Trump that had absolutely NOTHING to do with what Trump just said and went into a summation that missed all the key points.


  13. (All my heroes tend to disappoint me in the long run. That’s why I don’t look to find heroes anymore.)

    YUP – somewhere or another, they’ll pull out some bogus, unconstitutional, man-given, selfish libertarian “right” to make themselves feel good, even though it fucks over the rest of us that wants to keep a Christian-based high bar of expectation. Not for punishment, but to encourage all citizens to get the most out of their respective lives.

  14. DJT made an official campaign statement calling for a temporary ban on all muslim immigration and visa visits on 11/30/15 in the wake of the San Bernadino massacre. The progressive media used the statement to lie about the intent of it, making ludicrous commentary about banning muslim diplomats; ignoring the obvious problem we have with increased numbers of Syrian refugees and instead making the case that Trump was trying to redefine the Constitution (like Christianity, the Left only uses the Constitution when it suits their purpose), by creating a religious test for immigration.

    At that point in time, Senator Cruz was still drafting Trump on issues; preferring to wait until he saw how voters were reacting to Trump before making his opinions known on Trump’s positions. But, in about mid-December, when Cruz was asked by CNN what he thought of a temporary ban on muslims, Cruz told them he did not agree with Trump, though he refused to say exactly how he disagreed. Respectfully, Fur, that was not plain spoken. This is not meant as a dig at Cruz — simply a reminder that it took Cruz a relatively long time to weigh in, and then it was not a forceful response.

    Later, Cruz told CNN: “‎That is not my policy.”
    “I have introduced legislation in the Senate that would put in place a three year moratorium on refugees coming from countries where ISIS or al Qaeda control a substantial amount of territory. And the reason is that is where the threat is coming from,” …(unrelated)

    The rest of the Republican candidates were still under the thrall of political correctness and roundly thrashed Trump for suggesting such an outrageous and anti-American idea.

    Just like Trump’s call for a southern border wall (which all candidates, R & D thought a horrible idea), Trump was the first one to raise the question about stopping muslim immigration and visa visits.

    As others have said — Trump has been and still is pushing the strongest pro-America agenda. Those who are worried about how long it will take to turn things around should be encouraged that Trump isn’t even president and he has made an enormous difference in the most important way — he is forcing all the bad actors to defend their indefensible positions in the town square.

  15. @joe6pak,

    He wont, because his right of free speech is as real as hers. …. “Well, look, free speech is very important. But you want to be smart about it. And you don’t want to provoke people.” – Trump

  16. Aggie, I’m not questioning anybody’s right to free speech. I’m thinking that he could recognize that Pamela Geller is a brave, patriot that he might have mis-spoke about in his remarks. I still like him but he was wrong on that.

  17. Obama’s team is to ISIS what Sein Fein was to the IRA… The political wing aiding the militant wing. DC – including the White House, Congress, the DoJ, the DoS, the DoD and the CIA – is so infiltrated by Muslim Brotherhood agents now that it will literally take a civil war to get them out. The US in its current form will not survive what is being done here.

  18. @joe6pak — I support Pamela Geller 1000% in her efforts to expose the savagery of islam. And I’m not going to be an apologist for anyone. This is only my opinion.

    I think Ms. Geller and the people who worked with her on the Draw Mohammed project were courageous patriots. This is such a sad thing to acknowledge in America, much less Texas! But that’s where we are.

    I think Trump misspoke, said the wrong thing, was wrong. The only thing I can think is that, like a lot of people — even conservative people — he just didn’t know how important Geller is in the anti-islam, free speech movement. It’s easy for bloggers to forget that we are in the small minority. I frequently ask conservative friends if they know about this or that blog or writer or movement luminary and they have no idea. It’s not because they don’t care, it’s because they don’t know.

    So, for someone who is outside this bubble looks at a public event that is sure to (and did) attract murderous, determined terrorists, I don’t think it is unreasonable to conclude it was reckless and unnecessary. In fact Trump asked, “What was she thinking?”

    Instead of just answering his question or looking at it this way, Geller decided to make it personal. I would like to know how Geller would view Trump if he had said nothing or if he had praised her for it. As far as I know, she had no truck with anything else except his remark about this event — at least to begin with.

  19. Oh, hi joe6pak!

    Yes, you can (if you like) leave a message at Trump’s HQ with your name and phone number and tell them what you think or what your ideas are about his campaign. You can also write at: info@donaldjtrump.com

    It’s too bad we sometimes can’t get past the personal long enough to hash stuff out when I think we would find a lot more common ground than first believed. Anyone who is married should know this 🙂

  20. AA, well put. I applaude Geller and those who particiapted., but I also can agree with Trump. Her reaction was puzzling to me, she was too touchy when open debate would have been helpful. Reasonable people can disagree reasonably.

  21. Aggie — Yes, unfortunately she did come off a little bit “Do you know who I am?!” about it. I think we have to guard against thinking that everyone (who counts) is as plugged in to the blogosphere and conservative movements as we are. And perhaps cut a little more slack for someone like Trump who is, after all, trying to run a global business on a daily basis. Especially at that time.

  22. Obola: “… my moslem faith.”
    Snuffleupagus: “Christian.”
    Obola: “my CHRISTIAN faith.”

    There was NO editing. No “taken out of context.”

    What fucking Baptist, speaking of his faith, ever said, by accident: “My Jewish faith?”
    What fucking Hindu, speaking of his faith, ever said, by accident: “My Rastafarian faith?”
    What fucking Jew, speaking of his faith, ever said, by accident: “My Catholic faith?”

    Sorry. Doesn’t happen. EVER.

    izlamo delenda est …

  23. Joe — Someone will see it, but you’ll only get a response if it is thought to be an important issue/idea that works with the campaign strategy. I’m sure they get a lot of duds or just bad email to wade through.

    I left vm about it, too. So who knows, right?

  24. to all….am puzzled, no one has mentioned the 35 muslim training camps Bo has across the USA, nor his
    possible plan to create riots, declare martial law,
    and declare himself a dictator, eliminating any future
    elections. There has been no mention of the election fraud perpetrated in California by Hillary. Nor Bo’ s plan to begin on the East Coast…Grid 1 NY area Grid
    2 Florida working west, to depopulate via Fema Camps
    95% of the population…word has it he has already
    deleted 200,000 homeless, by simply inviting them to
    shelter and food. Also that he has a central power
    switch system in the WH, allowing him to shut down
    the power to any state in the union. I can only
    imagine what that would do to folks in the coldest
    months of winter…seniors and unprepared.
    Also that the reason the border was kept open was to
    bring through key Muslims and truckloads of military
    vehicles, ammo and weapons etc…..seems to make sense.
    There were photos of the net…showing some vehicles
    that were intercepted.
    Also in the limestone caves of Missouri, truckers with
    dash cam videos placed on u-tube, showing the underground area where they were delivering major truckloads of supplies, and some of the companies that
    were being asked re: quantities of food supplies (dried and canned) that were available to send via these trucks. One company posted a video refusing to
    sell the gov’t their supplies, as they were suggesting
    it was for the American people.
    There is so much information out there…I cannot keep up with all of it…as I am sure you feel the same.

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