WH Correspondents Association Wants Media To Abandon The WH – IOTW Report

WH Correspondents Association Wants Media To Abandon The WH


The White House Correspondents’ Association (WHCA) is urging journalists to essentially abandon White House grounds following the rise in Chinese coronavirus cases among members of President Trump’s circle, the organization detailed in an update posted Wednesday. More

27 Comments on WH Correspondents Association Wants Media To Abandon The WH

  1. …good. Get the fuck out. You’re no good for anyone and just an Enemy of the People anyway, so fuck off.

    You can lie just as easily from your overpriced, squalid hotel room anyway, as you roll around in your sheets stained from the semen from your “Get Trump” masturbatory fantasies.

    …And I’m sure you will..

    …lie in your own stickiness as you lie about the President, that is…

  2. Good! Then PDJT can open up a Gab account and let the average citizen ask him REAL questions, without censoring (yeah, I’m looking at YOU, FuckBook, Twatter, and YT)

  3. Didn’t Jim Acosta sue the president when he was denied access? Now he and his cronies are demanding to be kept away? Fine. Close access to the press conferences and just present a weekly fireside chat.

  4. But…but…if they wear masks and keep social distancing, surely they won’t get covid19? I’ve been hearing that for 6 months.

    The MSM WH corps needs to be quarantined for a long time.

  5. Who passes out the cyanide capsules to Goebbels’ Ministry of Propaganda employees as they leave the Fuhrer Bunker? After all, the Russians are coming to occupy the capital to save someone these Lunatics constantly compare to Hitler. Will they all take them, and are they guaranteed to work? Can we be so lucky?

  6. Boo Hoo, BS, truth is they can’t find a way around Kayleigh McEnany’s whit, so they are going to run home and cry cause they don’t like playing a game they can’t win.

  7. BigOwe, for sure, take all that shit out of there. I’m one of the dudes who put a bunch of comms shit in the pool. It was a shame.

    We also had to build the temporary site for those maggots. It was all a huge waste of time and money.

  8. If the WHCA is only urging “journalists” to essentially abandon White House. Since there aren’t more than a handful of journalists there then most of their members will still be at the WH. No big change.

  9. “..The head of the White House security office, Crede Bailey, is gravely ill with COVID-19 and has been hospitalized since September… Bailey got sick before the Sept. 26 Rose Garden event, where Trump announced his pick of Judge Amy Coney Barrett for the Supreme Court.

    … Crede Bailey leads the office in charge of credentialing people for access to the White House and works closely with the Secret Service…. Given his job and how many people he no doubt interacted with, it’s entirely possible that Bailey is the source of the latest corona virus outbreak in the White House. That’s completely speculation on my part, but.. reports say he’s gravely ill, so say a prayer for Bailey…”

    https://therightscoop.com/white-house-security-office-chief-now-gravely-ill-with-coronavirus/ .


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