What a CRAP Headline – Talk About FAKE NEWS – IOTW Report

What a CRAP Headline – Talk About FAKE NEWS

COVID-19 takes life of longtime Nashville doctor, family says.

Tragic. Ain’t it? Another victim of Covid.

Let’s read some more-


“He was a very docile, a person with minimal words, but every time he spoke, they were very impactful words.”

That’s how 19-year-old Alexis Ndina is remembering her father, who said he passed away from COVID-19 just days before Christmas.

Dr. Dimitri Ndina was a loving father, husband, grandfather and a pharmaceutical doctor at Tennessee Oncology.

The 57-year-old was admitted to St. Thomas Midtown in Nashville a short time after he received his first dose of the Pfizer vaccine.

“Sometime after his first vaccine and he somewhat brushed it off, usually when he gets sick he gets better the next day and then he was hospitalized on December 7th,” Alexis said.

Following a 12-day stint in the hospital, Dimitri passed away on December 20 from complications.

“They noted that he started to clot in his lower region so from his legs and started to work up,” Alexis explained.

His family is in disbelief, saying he was such a healthy man.

Alexis recalled the last words she said to her dad.

“I told him I loved him. He was a person who cared about how he looked so I kept telling him he was a very handsome man and all that,” Alexis said.


HE DIDN’T DIE FROM COVID!!!!!!!!! WTF!!!!????!!!?!!?!?

21 Comments on What a CRAP Headline – Talk About FAKE NEWS

  1. Nobody reads past the headline. And this article is so poorly written, that nobody would want to.

    “That’s how 19-year-old Alexis Ndina is remembering her father, who said he passed away from COVID-19 just days before Christmas.”

    ESL, Affirmative Action or run of the mill Millennial? SMDH

  2. @Anonymous
    The jab does cause blood clots!!!
    The D-dimer test proves that.
    Not everyone is affected by micro blood clots the same…. To some its nothing, to others it’s life threatening.

  3. Cisco Kid January 4, 2022 at 8:43 am

    He did die of Covid, the mandate killed him. The clot shot killed him. He most likely would have survived Covid but not a marxist government.

    He would be living today if he hadn’t gotten the jab. What caused his death and the clots – it was the jab. DIL father is in a rest home after getting his second Pfizer jab. He’s paralyzed, then had a heart attack right on the spot. Now DIL says he has covid. He was fine before he got the jab. Same type of story that is weaving a trail of those who got the jab and met the slab.

    p.s. I agree the article was poorly written – as most articles like this are.

  4. So he was a perfectly healthy man right up until the very moment he got the shot, and then he died almost immediately from what reads like a textbook description of Covid vaccine complications. You’d think someone from a doctor’s family would be better at putting two and two together.

  5. What is a “pharmaceutical doctor”? This is not an MD, but a DPharm – that is, a pharmacist with a doctorate. AKA The guy working in the dispensary preparing drugs for patients.

  6. An 83-year-old friend got the second shot and developed blood clots in his remaining leg (he’s an amputee). My father, who’s 92, refused to get the shot, got Covid last week and is fine this week.

  7. Some idiot spewed, “Covid-19, the virus can & does give people blood clots. Does the vaccines stop that from happening, not in all cases. Do the vaccines give you blood clots, no.”

    First please provide a link to some evidence that Covid gives people blood clots. I’ll wait. In the meantime…

    I’ve heard and read several interviews and a study after 15 people who had gotten the vax and died, were autopsied. All died 2 weeks to 6 months after getting the vax. The vaccine was not implicated in any of the deaths by the initial coroner’s reports yet examination of internal organs revealed hair like follicle growths on internal organs and in blood vessels! That’s a fucking horror movie right there.

    The vax injects mRNA particles which migrate to cell nuclei where they instruct them to produce spike proteins. These spike proteins attach themselves to the cell walls and are recognized as an illness. They are attacked by lymphacides which end up destroying the function of that organ or blood vessel.

    The most attacked organ was the heart although damage is extensive through our bodies once the process begins.

    Here is the pathology report-https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/bhakdiburkhardt-pathology-results

    In case you’re wondering why there haven’t been more autopsies, this might be a reason right here.

    But tall ya what Anon, you want to keep swallowing the corporate media bullshit, promise me you’ll keep current with your boosters mmmK?

  8. Plenty of info on covid-19 & blood clots. Use your favorite search engine (I use DuckDuckGo) search, coivd 19 & blood clots. examples:
    https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov › coronavirus › blood
    https://news.weill.cornell.edu › news › 2020 › 07 › what-is-known-about-covid-19-and-abnormal-blood-clotting
    https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org › health › conditions-and-diseases › coronavirus › what-does-covid-do-to-your-blood

  9. Thanks BobH, I had not read that. The Harvard study was done before the vax, all of the others I found were done after the vaxxing started.

    Am I to assume you’ll assert that the 40% increase in the all cause of death is due to the Chinese flu and not the vax? Because that increase didn’t happen in the first year of the Chinese flu. It only shot up beginning this past year.

    Second link isn’t opening

  10. @MM – You can try this link (it works for me). It appears something went wrong when it was entered in the post above.


    From the link: “Some people infected with SARS-CoV-2 develop abnormal blood clotting. “In some people with COVID-19, we’re seeing a massive inflammatory response, the cytokine storm that raises clotting factors in the blood,” says Galiatsatos, who treats patients with COVID-19.”

    If this info is correct, the clotting in COVID-19 is a result of the cytokine storm (a reaction to the spike protein mainly) which rapidly and drastically increases inflammatory agents created by the immune system, which in turn can cause organ failure (usually the lungs are most affected initially in COVID) because the immune system is “over-reacting”. It seems to me that this is proof that treating the virus early with things like Vitamin D and zinc among other supplements (quercetin, vitamin C, ivermectin, etc.) that effectively modulates the cytokine response (among other things) is obviously the most prudent way to prevent severe illness and death. Thus, it seems logical that preventing the “storm” of cytokines in the first place would be the best thing to do by far.

    It could be that the “vaccines” produce a higher concentration of spike proteins than COVID itself which results in more blood clots from a cytokine storm as well as mechanical clotting from the spikes collecting on the walls of blood vessels. I think another thing that makes the “vaccines” much deadlier is the fact that the mRNA keeps producing the spike proteins for much longer than the COVID virus because the instructions to produce the spike proteins are embedded in the cells and even the DNA of people that take the jab (there are some recent studies indicating that the mRNA can and does get into the cell nuclei and embed itself in the person’s DNA through reverse transcriptase, so the body may never stop producing the spike protein). The virus only produces the spike proteins for as long as it replicates in the body which appears to be only a few days regardless of treatment.

    That’s why I think this NIH protocol of telling people with COVID to wait until they can’t breathe to go to the hospital for treatment with remdesiver and then put them on a ventilator as the disease progresses is intentional murder by the medical community. With proper early treatment to prevent the cytokine storm, the vast majority of people never get to the point where they can’t breathe.


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