What an Amazing Bit of Luck That a Reporter Happened To Be There When a 7 Year Old Gave Contents of Piggy Bank To Leader of Defaced Mosque – IOTW Report

What an Amazing Bit of Luck That a Reporter Happened To Be There When a 7 Year Old Gave Contents of Piggy Bank To Leader of Defaced Mosque

Just another astro-turfed story using kids as props. (Check out the little kid’s face. Reminds me of this kid.)


A mosque in Texas was smeared with feces (check it for chick peas) and ripped pages of a koran. That’s when little Jack sprung into action and wanted to donate the entire contents of his piggy bank to the guy who looks like evil Santa Claus.

I’m not buying it, and one wonders who put this stunt together.

Mommy, Imam, or both?

Laura Swanson is Jack's mother and supported his choice
Faisal Naeem, a board member is a board member at the center that was defaced


14 Comments on What an Amazing Bit of Luck That a Reporter Happened To Be There When a 7 Year Old Gave Contents of Piggy Bank To Leader of Defaced Mosque

  1. In an Islamic country, the kid would be going home to Mo’s tent for some “R & R” if you know what I mean.

    A Mosque here in Connecticut supposedly was fired upon. The Progs are all in a twitter over it. Meanwhile, our idiot governor, Mumbles Malloy, is taking in even more Syrian “refugees”. Guess he’s hoping the Muslime in Chief will take notice and appoint him to something.

    Death to islam!

  2. Blacks vandalize black churches and black whatevet so that racist blacks and fascist progressives will believe White supremacists are doing the damage.

    I would bet muzlims did the damage to the mosque. Muzlims are the only group that I know of that uses feces. About three months ago so called refugees were throwing feces and destroying everything because the food came from the Red Cross.

    I have read articles where blacks have thrown feces, but for muzlims, feces are a favorite to use.

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