What The Media Isn’t Telling You About the $250 Million Pandemic Scam – IOTW Report

What The Media Isn’t Telling You About the $250 Million Pandemic Scam

What they’re saying.

Minneapolis Star Tribune

The director of the Feeding Our Future nonprofit and 47 other people were charged Tuesday in what federal prosecutors say was a “massive scheme” to defraud the government of more than $250 million meant to feed needy children during the pandemic. More

What they aren’t saying.

Frontpage Mag

Now the official federal indictments of 47 people are in: 46 of them Somalis.

The Department of Justice announced today federal criminal charges against 47 defendants for their alleged roles in a $250 million fraud scheme that exploited a federally-funded child nutrition program during the COVID-19 pandemic.

A key element in the fraud was crying racism. Some politicians came forward to back them up. And there are questions as to what extent politicians, especially those catering to Somalis, helped enable it.

The accused Somalis donated to a variety of politicians, including Rep. Ilhan Omar, State Senator Omar Fateh, Shukri Olow, running for state representative, State Rep. Hodan Hassan, a Keith Ellison crony, and others. More

9 Comments on What The Media Isn’t Telling You About the $250 Million Pandemic Scam

  1. Taxpayers will have no idea where their tax dollars vanish too even after any dust settles from this. Most likely it won’t be recovered and if it does it will just march on to the next scheme waiting in the long like of scammers Washington has lined up. Please keep paying your taxes for our leaders and their pals.

  2. They did the same thing a few years ago I think it was for a day care scam.
    On my phone and can’t look it up.
    And they do it for voting scams all the time. For the lowest IQ in the world the sure take in a lot of ill got money,who is helping them?

  3. The 2005 Michael Bay movie, \”The Island\” opens in the year, 2019. You really need to watch (or re-watch) this movie to find (likely) unintended hints and parallels of what has just happened to the world in the past two, to three long, fearful years, which hints at the question, was this whole COVID (some think) \”scam\” an attempt to harvest human organs on a monstrous global scale?…but, from only the healthy non-vaccinated, while they were sedated, over-ventilated, secluded from their families and other potential witnesses…and, while they were still alive, but diagnosed as brain-dead, so that the organs could be harvested from a still-living body, not dying or adversely affected by the vaccine).

    Letting a little paranoia run amok, this seems somewhat straightforward in several easy steps:

    1) The intended victims automatically enter this system while being admitted to the hospital, and after stating they have not been vaccinated for COVID.
    2) They are then subjected to a mandatory test for COVID via PCR tests run at false-positive high cycling rates.
    3) The patient is declared positive for COVID, and then enters the Dachau COVID isolation treatment (Remdesiver, ventilators, heavy tranquilizing/sedation drugs, isolation, withholding of food and/or nutrition/liquids, et al.).
    4) The patient’s death is listed as being FROM COVID (not with).
    4) A reward system to pay the hospital bonuses for creating false COVID cases, administering Remdesiver (if used) and placing on a ventilator prior to organ harvesting.

    At any rate, if this improbable scenario did take place, it would not only benefit the vaccine manufactures and hospitals (as it already has) but also the organ harvesting, funeral and embalming industry.
    NOTE: Many apologies to all the hard-working, honest and caring professional medical personnel, who are obviously innocent of such a horrible scenario. This is not directed at you folks.

    However, there are those in this world who are just not that honorable or caring and make the rest of us look bad, should they actually exist in the real world.


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