Whining Over You – IOTW Report

Whining Over You

Great Roy Orbison Parody-

14 Comments on Whining Over You

  1. Like all the ever evolving Hitler memes I hope these whining parodies and the smug #nevertrump assholes are held up to steady, strong, unrelenting ridicule, the kryptonite of Progs everywhere.

  2. I dream about having a swimming pool filled to the top with the tears of the idiots who are grieving over the defeat of the Hilldabeast. I would spend hours doing the backstroke and the butterfly. It would be my happy place.

  3. Excellent. I loved the nod to Bobby C. Byrd in the Klan robe, almost made me fall outta my chair.

    We have to keep the momentum going. It’s time to eradicate the leftist movement.

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