Who Will Stand Against Planned Parenthood? – IOTW Report

Who Will Stand Against Planned Parenthood?

The Federalist’s Ben Domenech reviews the possible moves by Republican leaders over the opportunity to defund Planned Parenthood when the next continuing resolution comes up at the end of this month.


Mitch McConnell (KY-Turtle) will of course lead the withdraw from all controversy and avoid a government shutdown over PP Funding. But will any other Republican show some backbone and take a stand to cut them off?

Given the steady stream of expose’ videos by the Center for Medical Progress (the 9th being released today), folks in Washington can’t depend on the media to keep sweeping the horror show under their collective rug. Either they’ll stand against PP or demonstrate their utter fecklessness in the face of some unfavorable press.


As Mr. Domenech points out, why not use the occasion to force the MSM to explain to their audience why pro-life Republicans find PP so reprehensible?


13 Comments on Who Will Stand Against Planned Parenthood?

  1. I heard Mitch Mconnells name and phone number were in Vetser Flanagans phone book. I always thought Mitch just liked little prepubescent boys. I never figured him for the angry, sweaty, saggy balled, adult apes…

  2. Question: What would America look
    like with a PP reduced to breast examinations and self- purchased birth control?
    Pandoras box was opened in 1973 Roe V Wade.
    The reality of it all is sex without procreative consequence. And, somebody else to pay for it. That “someone else” is tired of paying for it. Check up, or live with the consequences of your own choices without expectancy of a safety net.
    Antiquated and real. Pregnant? MARRY. Or don’t sex him or her.

  3. boehner & mcCONnel have never been nor will they ever be leaders standing tall representing US Citizens on any issue of national importance.
    BIG Government, More Taxes, Deceit, Deception and Destruction of those who disagree with them are the tools of their trade.

    No better than pelosi and reid !
    boehner & mcCONnell take care of themselves and those they threaten and bend to their will……..they, with obama, are leaders on the list as being a POS.

    And the RNC and the GOP Congressional Committee called and mailed me asking for a donation. There numerous ways to say no and hell no. Poor guy working the Phone Bank got the ear full boehner and mcCONnel should hear.

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